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Where do I hide the condoms?

Tagged as: Family, Sex<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (20 September 2011) 8 Answers - (Newest, 21 September 2011)
A female United Kingdom age 26-29, anonymous writes:

My friends bought me some condoms (I have a new boyfriend- he's gorgeous and very sexy- they were joking around), but I want to hang onto them just in case anything does happen- better safe than sorry!

Does anyone have any ideas as to where in my room I can hide them from my parents?

I have no immediate plans to have sex, but if the time came, at least I'd be prepared.

And pleeeease don't lecture me -_- I'm mature for my age and legally allowed to partake in sexual activities...

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A female reader, So_Very_Confused United States +, writes (21 September 2011):

So_Very_Confused agony auntI agree with chi girl

night table drawer so they are accessible when you need them

and if mommy finds them just tell he what you told us I'm mature and legal.

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A female reader, tennisstar88 United States +, writes (21 September 2011):

tennisstar88 agony auntDon't hide them too well of where when the time comes to get down, you're tearing apart your room.

I see no reason to hide them as well, if your parents came across them, so what? At least you're practicing safe sex.

If you must stash them, keep them close, tossed in your nightstand junk drawer. Or if you have a little box. Even an empty shoe box underneath your bed.

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A male reader, wiseoldman United Kingdom +, writes (21 September 2011):

Definitely not your underwear drawer. It's the first place anyone, especially a mother, will look. Instead, remove the bottom drawer of your dresser or desk. Tape an envelope to the OUTSIDE back of said drawer, with the opening facing up. Store the condoms or whatever in there, and slide the drawer back into place. Thus, even if someone opens your desk or dresser drawers to search they'll find no contraband within. I have suggested the bottom drawer specifically because adults hate to bend.

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A female reader, chigirl Norway +, writes (20 September 2011):

chigirl agony auntYepp, you are legally allowed to partake in sexual activities. So why the need to hide the condoms? You're legal. No need to hide them. You're allowed to flaunt them if you want.

Or are you worried your parents will lecture you, despite you being old enough? Maybe it is time you have a chat with them instead, about the law and age of consent and the fact that if you have sex you do plan on using condoms?

Why do you need to hide them though? Do your parents normally rampage around your room? If your parents usually snoop around your room I would suggest you hide the condoms in a hole in the woods. If, however, your room is relatively safe, just put them in a drawer underneath some paperwork.

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A male reader, EyesofJag United States +, writes (20 September 2011):

Be careful where you hide them. Don't put them in between books or somewhere warm. Remember that they can become damaged and useless. It also depends if your parents snoop around your room. Try maybe in some old sneakers that you don't wear but they are still in your room...or a gym bag you don't use.

Always think of the temperature and where it can potentially be damaged. Also, keep in mind the expiration date. The time may come longer than expected and all of a sudden, you have bad condoms. It happened to me once, it sucked.

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A female reader, Tisha-1 United States +, writes (20 September 2011):

Tisha-1 agony auntDrop them in a bag with travel-sized bottles of other things like shampoo and soap and label the bag "FREE SAMPLES." Jumble it all up and keep it with your gym or travel gear.

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A male reader, The Realist Canada +, writes (20 September 2011):

The Realist agony auntYou could hide them at the bottom of your underwear drawer or somewhere under your bed. You are right that it is better to be prepared but I do see why you wouldn't want your parents to find them and think your having sex.

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A female reader, person12345 United States +, writes (20 September 2011):

person12345 agony auntSomewhere not right out in the open, like a nightstand. Do your parents go snooping around or something? Or maybe as a little ironic joke you could hide them in a box of tampons. Kind of the last place anyone would think to look for condoms. If they see them just say that your school handed them out.

Why would we lecture you on being smart and having condoms around?

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