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Where can I hide my "toy" from Mum?

Tagged as: Family, Sex, Teenage<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (4 May 2008) 4 Answers - (Newest, 5 May 2008)
A female United Kingdom age 30-35, anonymous writes:

Hello, I am trying to find a place to put my u know where the most unlikley Place that my Mom whould find it?

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A female reader, :):):) United Kingdom +, writes (5 May 2008):

I love reading the answers to this question lol If Im trying to hide something I put it in one of my boots in my wardrobe and it seems to work affectively!

Other places could be under a set of drawers or a wardrobe.An old box (say for a mobile phone or shoe box) in a vase, a money box/tin, if you have a car,in there. lol lots of crazy places really!


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A reader, anonymous, writes (4 May 2008):

Before reading the post from 'brooke5426', I would have said under your mattress! But that made me think twice! Like she said, maybe in a make-up case, or in a draw under your bed (if you have one). In a sock is always a good place to hide things haha. Have you got any packets of things that she wouldn't go into? Or a box she knows you keep other things in, so wouldnt find a need to go into? Just think of random places that she's never gone before.

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A female reader, brooke5426 United Kingdom +, writes (4 May 2008):

brooke5426 agony auntoh and a word of advice - take the batteries out of it when you're not using it. God has a sense of humour and I know a few people who have had the gross misfortune of a vibrator springing to life all by itself in a drawer when they have a room full of people.

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A female reader, brooke5426 United Kingdom +, writes (4 May 2008):

brooke5426 agony auntThis is a tough one hey? lol When I lived at home I had frequent dreams about my dad finding mine - not nice! I used to keep it under the mattress then one day, I have no idea why but I decided to move it to the top of my wardrobe. I got home from college that day for my mum to tell me she had gotten me a new bed and had taken apart the old one and thrown it out. If i hadnt moved that thing I swear right now I would be dead from embarrassment. And my mum would probably be dead from shock.

After that incident I kept mine in a large travel makeup case which had a little lock on it and put the makeup case in a drawer in my divan bed. Yes a little paranoid but you cant be too careful!



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