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What's going on with my girlfriend?

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Question - (21 April 2010) 6 Answers - (Newest, 21 April 2010)
A male United States age 36-40, *heebb writes:

What is going on with my girlfriend?

We've been dating for over a year and everything has been going really great. She has been very sweet and everything. However a few weeks ago she went away on a volunteer trip with a group of girls for her college. She got back and everything was fine then about a week ago she started acting really unlike herself. Shes been really mean and snappy. She'll say something complaining about her work and i say wow that stinks and she starts yelling at me saying "well what do you want me to do not work?". Then we were supposed to go on a day trip and she said "can we just stay home im not in the mood to do anything" i said that its fine we don't have to go anywhere and so we stayed home, when i was leaving at the end of the day she started yelling at me saying if i wanted to go i should have said something, i told her i didn't care that we didn't go but she kept yelling at me. I thought maybe im crazy and imagining things but then she kept going with it for the past week. Then we were with her mom and she started doing it to her mom who was like "wow somebody is in a bad mood".

I ask her if everything is ok and she gets mad and says nothing is wrong and that im getting annoying when i ask her that. She said she still loves me and nothings wrong, but something isn't right. I'm just not sure what it is. She has never done this before

i dont know if her trip had anything to do with this or not, but i thought id mention it in case someone had an idea what might be going on

any idea what could be the cause?

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A reader, anonymous, writes (21 April 2010):

She Sounds Really stressed out, tell her your there for her, how much you love her and what you love about her, maybe spend a relaxing evening together eg; run her a bath, light some candles, get a take out or cook something special. I think she sounds like she needs some reassurance to relax her. GOOD LUCK, I'm sure it will work out just fine (:

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A female reader, Laura1318 Malaysia +, writes (21 April 2010):

Laura1318 agony auntShe could have received some negative feed backs about you from her friends .

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A male reader, CaringGuy United Kingdom +, writes (21 April 2010):

You are right, something is very wrong here. I'm not sure what happened on that trip, but it could be that she had a major argument with someone on it. I think you need to tell her that you are there for her if she wants to talk, but that you will not put up with he snapping at you for no reason. Clearly something happened on that trip, and given her argumentative argument I'd say that it could be she had an argument on that trip.

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A female reader, Honeygirl South Africa +, writes (21 April 2010):

Honeygirl agony auntEither she has a bad case of PMS or she is no longer into you.

Tell her that you dont appreciate being shouted at, and you would like to be treated with some respect, or else you are on your way out the door!!

You dont have to put up with being treated badly, so stand up for yourself and too bad if she doesnt like it.


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A female reader, Isa123 United States +, writes (21 April 2010):

Isa123 agony auntWhat exactly was her trip?

It could be the overload of stress. Maybe an issue with friends, family, etc. Maybe the work is just getting to her head and she's not dealing with this stress very well.

I don't know. It sounds to me the trip she took had a lot to do with it. I'd do more investigation if I were you.

Be patient and good luck.

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A female reader, cnith United States +, writes (21 April 2010):

cnith agony auntdrugs? Something that erratic and emotional sounds like some kind of drug addiction/abuse situation.

Maybe she got hooked on ecstacy or something while on her trip, I don't know. Maybe she's super stressed out. Maybe she has hormonal imbalance. But you're right, SOMETHING is wrong.

Question is, how do we get her to get help? Would she blow up at you for suggesting therapy? Most likely... So, since you know her and we don't, I suggest you find a way to get her some help. Maybe get her mother involved. But she needs help, that much is clear to me. What for, is another story.

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