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What will make him come back?

Tagged as: Teenage, Troubled relationships<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (17 September 2009) 3 Answers - (Newest, 17 September 2009)
A female United States age 30-35, *ynsey writes:

my boyfriend and I have been growing apart. he no longer does cute stuff anymore and hardly hangs out with me...

when I asked him what was up he said he wanted to be in the relationship but sometimes her doesnt...

he also admitted to me that he's bipolar that doesn't bother me though...

how can I get him hooked on me again?

and if that's not working when should I call it quits?

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A male reader, Candleman United States +, writes (17 September 2009):

Candleman agony auntDo you understand what bi-polar means? This could explain what is going on with him. You should look up the definition of bi-polar on wikipedia as there are different types. The most common is when a person experiences emotional ups and downs and this could explain what is going on.

Obviouisly, he could have just lost interest. But, talk to him or if you can, talk to his parents to see what type of bi-polar he has. If he has periods of being down, then this could explain what is going on. Ask the parents/him if he has been down lately and how long these periods last. You can use this to gain insight if he is experiencing an emotional problem or if he has just lost interest.

Good Luck

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A female reader, HPC11 United States +, writes (17 September 2009):

HPC11 agony auntMy last boyfriend also admitted to me that the doctor's thought he was bi-polar... but he didn't take his medicine. But I could tell he was bi-polar because when he got mad... he went manic and I was literally scared because he was driving at the time. He went like 70 in a 45 zone and was bad-mouthing him-self the entire "ride". He started off as the sweetest, dorkiest, cutest, nerd you'd ever meet. But He changed and I could never change him back... he because a total douche-bag by the time we ended things... I hope he comes back around. Butseriously if you find he is going into a manic phase leave the room (unless he asks you to stay) because he isn't responsible for what he says or does. And he'll be upset afterwards...

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A male reader, softtouchmale2003 United States +, writes (17 September 2009):

softtouchmale2003 agony auntBi-polars have problems with their relationships. Depending where he is on the moodswing he can be apathetic, highly emotionally charged or depressed.

They make some medications that stabilize moods and other associated disorders.

You can try and wait for him to swing your way again, but the reality is that he's absorbed in a world of his own just trying to control his emotions.

Try and be understanding, be patient, he really probably does appreciate all the attention that you give him, but its a problem that's very hard for him, let alone you, to deal with.

Also tread cautiously. Mild bi-polar is still an issue and be sure what you're getting into. Its okay to love someone who has this issue, but be prepared for the best and worst. Literally.

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