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What can be done to make it seem like I am not so needy?

Tagged as: Dating, Troubled relationships, Trust issues<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (7 June 2010) 3 Answers - (Newest, 12 June 2010)
A female Canada age 36-40, anonymous writes:

Ok! So here is the deal.

My boyfriend and I have been dating for seven months. He was the one pursuing in the beginning. Months went by and we had fun. There were a couple of incidences where I got drunk and caused a fuss and he forgave me.

However, now it's come to the point where I feel very insecure at times because I ask him to do something through the week, just to be rejected. Lately, he has had a death in his family and has been dealing with a lot of family functions.

I know he would never cheat or anything, and I try to be as cool as I possibly can, however, he just acts so weird. He doesn't call when he is going too. He doesn't make time for me the way he used too. So I start to work and over analyze the situation. I call and say stupid things causing him to hang up on me.:( I don't want this to happen anymore... I love this guy and I know he is the one.

IF a guy is not interested he would not call right? He would not be in constant communication?

What can be done to make it seem like I am not so needy?

View related questions: drunk, insecure

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A female reader, Jendorset United Kingdom +, writes (12 June 2010):

Well good luck and i hope everything works out for you.

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A reader, anonymous, writes (7 June 2010):

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Jendorset -

I concur 100% with your response and I am going to make an attempt to be more supportive.

I think due to the pain I have suffered in life through family, that is sometime very difficult to comprehend when someone else is having a difficult time rather than being supportive.

Thanks so much and no Horribleness about it. You're right.

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A female reader, Jendorset United Kingdom +, writes (7 June 2010):

Well youve been together for seven months so he knows your not going anywhere and therefore you dont need to be in constant communication. Yeah he might say he is going to call but things dont always go to plan. Just because he does not call i dont think it means he does not want you. I think you need to relax where the phone calls are concerned. People always make extra effort at the start of a relationship.If he has had family troubles recently you have to take that into consideration. He may be busy with family things. I think you need to support him a bit more through the harder times he is having rather than panic about yourself. You are not the only person in his life and he cant give you constant attention. I dont mean that horribly.

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