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Went to surprise him and caught him with my best friend!

Tagged as: Cheating, Friends<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (4 July 2011) 5 Answers - (Newest, 4 July 2011)
A female United States age 30-35, anonymous writes:

Alright, so a few months ago I got together with this guy I've had a crush on for years and we decided to have sex but earlier the day I went to his house to surprise him. Door was unlocked so to keep it quiet I went up to his room and pushed it open to sorta 'scare' him. What I saw was him and my best friend "doing" it.

I have no idea what to do now, dump him and my best friend? It's all so confusing.

View related questions: best friend, crush

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A reader, anonymous, writes (4 July 2011):

This is verified as being by the original poster of the question

I just left like I said. I haven't picked up any calls or answered any text messages from them, basically just ignoring them and moving on.

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (4 July 2011):

What exactly is so confusing? I. Hope you have dumped him by now and given her the boot also! If not then that makes you a doormat and people will keep treating you liked that!

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A reader, anonymous, writes (4 July 2011):

This is verified as being by the original poster of the question

Anonymous, Yes - I tell her everything, I think she got contact with him through facebook.

Denise32, I don't want to talk with any of them, since I believe I'd get "too" angry and it could end in a long time with pain. I'd rather just forget it.

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A female reader, Denise32 United States +, writes (4 July 2011):

Denise32 agony auntThat was a horrible shock and on the part of your best friend in particular a terrible betrayal.

What do you want to do? To confront him and then her (or her first then him) and express your outrage? Or do you feel inclined to wait a while and see if they approach you and then let them have the full blast of your anger and disappointment?

Certainly there is no way you can trust either of them ever again after what they did. It strikes me as strange, by the way, that he would leave his front door unlocked......

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (4 July 2011):

Well did your best friend know you were involved with him? If so, you shouldn't be friends with her and you should leave him alone. He didn't care about you enough to not sleep with anyone else while you two were involved. He's not worth your time and find a new best friend.

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