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Should the man have more rights than a woman in a relationship?

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Question - (28 May 2007) 8 Answers - (Newest, 29 May 2007)
A female Egypt age 26-29, *omana writes:

is it fair when a guy gives him self more rights than a girl as to be more controlling or to give him self the privlige to do things that he would not allow his girlfriend to do?

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A female reader, laurie-loo United Kingdom +, writes (29 May 2007):

laurie-loo agony auntunfortunatley i dont think you can, but i suppose if he loves you and wants to be with you he should soon come to terms with it. dont let him tell you what to do and i think he will pretty much get the picture. xxx

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A female reader, jomana Egypt +, writes (29 May 2007):

jomana is verified as being by the original poster of the question

jomana agony auntthanks

we spoke about it and now we know that soon enough we will be breaking up because we both disagree about this issue but right now we are trying to find a compromise and my problem is now that how can i make him see that this isn't right ... any advice ?

thanks again

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A female reader, laurie-loo United Kingdom +, writes (29 May 2007):

laurie-loo agony auntno way, this person obviously doesnt have any respect for you. you shouldent let anyone controll you nor let them be the dominant partner in the relationship. i always frown upon the question "who wears the pants?" because nobody should be wearing any pants in a relationship (i know that sounded rude but excuse that please lol) the key to a succesful relationship is by both having a say and understanding and fulfiling the other partners needs. you are being treated unfairly and if you dont try and change the person you are with now and make him see how unfair he is being towards you i think things will get worse and worse. dont let him take over you because the more you let him, the more possesive he will become. good luck xxx

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A male reader, leonard j.Douglas Philippines +, writes (29 May 2007):

Dear Should He have more rights in a relationship then me? All relationship in or out of bed if they are to be healthy Ones must be based up-on what is called Mutual, Agreeable Abuse. Where each of you put the needs of each other before your own, However us men are slow learners in romancing a Lady, But please tell him how you feel. he cannot change if he doesn't know

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A female reader, candy00s United Kingdom +, writes (29 May 2007):

candy00s agony auntMaybe back in the olden days!

No you should both have equal rights.

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A female reader, TasteofIndia United States +, writes (28 May 2007):

TasteofIndia agony auntNo, it's not fair. Never let yourself be controlled by someone else. Especially in a relationship, that shows little respect for you. You deserve much more and to be treated equally.

Repectfully yours,


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A male reader, DV1 United States +, writes (28 May 2007):

DV1 agony auntNo, it's not fair.


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A female reader, bubbloo24 Isle of Man +, writes (28 May 2007):

bubbloo24 agony auntNo. In my opinion it isn't fair. A relationship should be based on equality and treating eachother as equals.

A relationship where one person is dominant may cause one person in the equation to feel unloved and unfairly treated.

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