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Should I test again???

Tagged as: Dating, Sex, Teenage<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (10 August 2010) 4 Answers - (Newest, 10 August 2010)
A female United States age 30-35, *andence's mommy writes:

Hello i could really use some smart advice right about now. My boyfriend and i had unprotected sex(were both clean and std free!) ;but the next day i think i got my period it was very light to the point where it didn''t even take up one pad? I had unprotected sex a week before that and i took a home pregnancy test and it came back neg. should i retest? i want to be pregnant and im worried the test will come back neg. but has anyone had anything like this before?

*send me baby dust*

View related questions: be pregnant, period, pregnancy test, std, unprotected sex

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A female reader, xXJDXx United Kingdom +, writes (10 August 2010):

Why do you want to be pregnant when your so young? You haven't even fully deloped yet!

You haven't even had chance to live your own life either!, how will you juggle school? How will you pay for a baby? Have you really thought all this through properly?

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A female reader, Oregongrl1 United States +, writes (10 August 2010):

You should not be having sex! and if i wer'e your mother, you would be carrying a baby doll around w/ you changing it in public, feedind it soothing it rocking it 2:00am feedings 6:00am feedings in the morning. getting a job to buy the food, cloths and get insurance for the childs medical bills i don't know if you think this is a game or what i hope not? stop having sex! and be a kid and go ride your scooter. iam glad you are not my daughter how disrespectful to your parents you are. i do pray and hope they find out for your sake that you are engaging sexural intercourse.

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A female reader, Practical  +, writes (10 August 2010):

Practical agony aunt

DO NOT GET PREGNANT ,, u don't have the slightest idea of what u are getting yourself into, honey..

just wait at least till your mid twenties ..

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A female reader, Tisha-1 United States +, writes (10 August 2010):

Tisha-1 agony auntWell, I think the best person to ask is the doctor who did your STD check and gyn exam! She (or he) will have the best information based on your own individual health and physical profile.

If you are 13-15 you should be made aware that if you get pregnant, your boyfriend could well be in legal trouble, as you are considered to be a minor.

At any rate, the best person to ask is your doctor!

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