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Should I leave him? Or am I blinded by the stupid things he does?

Tagged as: Breaking up, Troubled relationships<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (30 May 2011) 2 Answers - (Newest, 3 June 2011)
A female Canada age 30-35, *rikkles1213 writes:

Hi everyone,

I've been in a relationship for a year and a half, everything was perfect. I have the perfect boyfriend, really, but I feel, and have been feeling like breaking up because little things DO GET ON MY NERVES. Here's the problem :

- He is irresponsible

- He acts stupidly because of laziness ( like not eating for 2 days then eating like a pig to lose weight )

- He has money problems and owes me a lot of money

- He doesn't take care of the money issue, like he doesn't realise he can spend a lot, he just can't control his money...!

- He used to shower once every 3 days, then I told him to be more hygienic but i dont know how long it will last.

- He doesn't take care of himself

- We used to have a shitty sex life because he has less libido than I, and when I tried to turn him on he would turn on physically but would say : oh I want to finish the movie, im not in the mood ( WTF )and it happened so many times that i just stopped and would not want him anymore.

- He used to have no friends, now he has 3

- He is not hygienic in the house, like he won't do his dishes and the cat's litter is all over the place

- He moved out 4 months ago and his boxes are still all over the place

that kind of stuff. But you see, the thing is I was tired of these things a year ago, but just didnt say it meanly to him in hopes he would understand and change. Then his mom died 6 months ago.... I was there for him, helped him and everything, but of course all these little things got worse for the simple principle that he was in depression. Plus he was living with her, so he moved out on his own ( i was supposed to go with him but realised it would make me more unhappy than anything) so Im just helping him financially, a little now because he owes me.

I made him a list ( and he made me one, that is was i suggested) of all the things we dislike ( and for each one, we would write one thing we like) about each other. I told him everything. It was my solution to avoid breaking up. Its been 2 weeks now and it seems to work, Our sex life is much better, he showers, he pays some of his things, invites me sometimes. But then, I still feel like there's something wrong... and I'm starting to believe it may have been too late when i decided to solve the problem.

Anyways, last part is : he is madly in love with me, he's my first boyfriend, he tells me i'm pretty many times a day ( and means it! ), he tells me he loves me, he listens to me, understands me, wants me to be happy, he's always there for me and everything!

So yeah... and I'm also starting to feel like i need more experiences in i want to experience love with other people, at least romance and passion. Anyways... I dont know what to do. I feel like i'm asking him to change himself but its just the way he lives! Plus! All he likes to do is to play video games and watch movies, but then I am an outdoor person, i love to walk outside and to explore, he doesnt. That kind of stuff. We're good for each other but I feel we're growing apart and we're too different sometimes.

Thank you, that was a long message.


View related questions: in the mood, libido, lose weight, money, moved out, sex life, video games

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A female reader, frikkles1213 Canada +, writes (3 June 2011):

frikkles1213 is verified as being by the original poster of the question

Thank you very much for your answer Anastasia :)

I just had a talk with him last night, I almost left him.. but then we talked and we're trying one last time...he understands very well that I might break up with him, I told him everything I said in the post and it is all very clear that if I decide to break up, we will remain very good friends and he will understand my decision.

Anyway, I just hope I am not too exigent or hard to please. Or that these things aren't too superficial.

Thank you very much again,


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A female reader, Anastasia Trinidad and Tobago +, writes (3 June 2011):

Anastasia agony I could have sworn you said he was perfect...mmm

If all those things bother you, just break up with him. You are a young intelligent girl...find someone who is worth your love, time and effort.

Let's just say you two make it to walking down the aisle...I am telling you those things are going to get on your last nerve.

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