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Should I ask her out before someone else grabs her?

Tagged as: Dating, Friends<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (15 April 2013) 1 Answers - (Newest, 16 April 2013)
A male United Kingdom age 26-29, anonymous writes:

I decided to ask a girl out, and asked my friend whether it was a good choice or not. He then said to me that it would be a very bad decision because she recently broke up with someone because she was too stressed with exams for a relationship. I then happened to see on my Twitter feed that she was planning to go and see a film with another guy and now I am worried. Very worried. Over the past few months I've been slowly liking this girl more and more, the more I hang around with her, the more I want to tell her how I feel. What should I do? This girl is everything I could possibly want in a girl.

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A female reader, Patellen United States +, writes (16 April 2013):

Yes, she may have just broke up with someone, but she is already making herself available to others to date. Why not get in on this? Communication is so important in all facets of life and if she has NO IDEA how you feel, then it just may be YOUR loss. If you think she is everything you want, what would be wrong with at least asking her out and testing the waters. If she refuses your invitation, I guess that tells you how she feels. You'll never know unless you go for it! You may find out that she just wants to be your friend for now, which would not be a bad thing. Perhaps after getting to know you better and know that you ARE interested, she may start to get interested. Get brave. Ask her out and you'll find some answers. Life is too short to just wonder and wait.

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