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She said sounds good, but maybe anothe she into me or not?

Tagged as: Dating<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (31 January 2009) 1 Answers - (Newest, 31 January 2009)
A male Australia age 36-40, anonymous writes:

I asked this girl out twice, once about 3 months ago and another time about a month and a half ago, both times she said it sounds good but maybe another time cos she had stuff to do on those days, so i stopped asking her. Now after a month and a half she texted me asking me 'what's up, where are u?'. I want to know what should i think of this? does she sound interested in me now or is she just bored? I didn't text her back. Was it right on my part? Any guys been through this?

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A female reader, PeanutButter United States +, writes (31 January 2009):

PeanutButter agony auntyou never can tell whats going on inside someone elses head, she may or may no be interested in you or she may want to be friends...only way you'll know is just by talking to her - maybe sk hr out for a coffee, third time lucky? Maybe she's playing hard to get. If she says no a 3rd time let it go, move on and concentrate on looking for smeone else :)

Best of luck xx

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