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Ow do I cope with the fact that he's back with his wife and I'm having his child.

Tagged as: Cheating, Pregnancy<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (26 September 2010) 1 Answers - (Newest, 29 September 2010)
A female United States age 36-40, *andygurl writes:

I'm 23 yrs old and I condon in seein a married man. He is 2x my age, been married for 17yrs and has 3 children. I met him by walkin home one day and we exchange #'s. Our intentions were never to seriously to get involve but somehow we did. We moved in 2gather and everything. He went 2 jail and did only 6mths round the same time he was locked up so was the time his divorced was supposed to be finalized but his wife stopped it. He came home may 31 2009, everything was good but he never talked about finishing with the divorce. October 31 I decided this wasn't good for me, dealing with a married man, hurtin his wife and family. I became filled with guilt, ashamed, confused, and many more. On that day we ended this affair and he went back to his wife. For a couple of months I was doing good without him and unlike him he wasn't doing so great. He kept callin, kept trying to see me but I just ignore him but his wife couldn't handle it so ofcourse she played on my phone and said her thoughts. I needed money and I became desperate and called him and he is he came and helped. Seeing him again brought back memories and feelings and yes we started our affair once again. His wife caught us and he told her he only went back for his son sake and that he love her but was still in love wit me. We continue seeing each other but then reality hit things were totally different than before and it hurted me more now then it did when we first started this affair. I decided I don't wanna be with him but now I'm pregnant by his child this isn't the first time I been pregnant by him I had got a abortion the first time now this will be the second child and I made the decision on keeping this one but sometimes I feel like it was a mistake. How do I cope with the fact that he's back with his wife and I'm having his child. Should I worry about letting her be around my child. I don't want to be with him but how will I ever move on and not deal with him by having this child.

View related questions: abortion, affair, divorce, married man, money, move on, moved in

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A female reader, Indie23 Australia +, writes (29 September 2010):

Indie23 agony auntI think this man is pretty much bad news, which you obviously already know. You don't need him back in your life, especially not in the romantic sense.

There are a lot of options out there and being a single parent isn't the end of the world for you. Stop stressing out about this and try to focus on the baby for now. But you will eventually need to tell him that you're pregnant with his child.

Despite everything, his marriage and the affair, he still deserves to know that you're pregnant and make a decision about whether or not he wants to be in your child's life.

Best Wishes, Indie.

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