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My best friend has started dating and is using the girl to avoid me

Tagged as: Dating, Friends<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (11 March 2012) 3 Answers - (Newest, 11 March 2012)
A male United States age 26-29, anonymous writes:

I don't know what to do about my best friend. He started dating this new girl and for some reason is avoiding me. Anytime I ask him to come over he makes up a lame excuse like, "he has to take his niece to the mall." Yesterday, i had finally got him to say he was going to come over after he visited his girl friend. I waited all night for him to show up but at 1:30 am he tells me he isn't coming over, and he's staying at his girlfriend's friend's house. So I stayed all night waiting for him for nothing. I don't know what to do. He wasn't like this before he started dating this girl. He use to find excuses to come over anytime he wanted to but now he's making excuses to stay away.

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A female reader, Blonde68 United Kingdom +, writes (11 March 2012):

Blonde68 agony aunt

I hate to say it, but he is all loved up and isn't one of the lads anymore.... well, not until the first stages of the "loved up" bit is over!

Its not very nice when friends do this, but unfortunately, some do do it. Why don't you try inviting him AND the girlfriend over if that is your only chance of seeing him for now.

I am sure he will start hanging out with you again eventually, but not as much as he used to if he has a girl .... but if I were you I would hang out with some other friends.

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A male reader, Uncle PJ  +, writes (11 March 2012):

Uncle PJ agony auntSometimes having a girlfriend changes people. Unfortunately, your friend seems to be one of those people. It could be a number of things, it could be that you two are starting to just naturally grow apart. Or his girlfriend is rather possessive and she's trying to control his life.

It's going to be upsetting to see your best friend get 'taken away' from you but sometimes these things happen. You must have other friends that will keep you company and 'replace' your best friend.

You may not want to feel second best, but I'm sure once their relationship is over, your best friend will probably come back with an apology and things will go back to normal. You need to just stick this out and try not to get too hung up on all of this. Good luck, hope this helps.

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A male reader, dougbcoll United States +, writes (11 March 2012):

dougbcoll agony auntthe love bug has bitten him, your still his friend but he is devoting his energy into her. he will eventually come around to ya.

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