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My best friend and my ex are dating just 3 days after we broke up!

Tagged as: Breaking up, Friends, The ex-factor<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (15 September 2013) 3 Answers - (Newest, 15 September 2013)
A female Turkey age 26-29, *atcasforanta writes:

I had a boyfriend that i was really, really in love with. He was the first in everything for my life, I thought of him before myself. We had great time, he was my first kiss actually which is weird for me because i am not attracted to how a person looks normally, but he seemed like the most handsome person in my eyes.

We did had fights, and actually broked up for an hour or something before I left to America for 2 months of vacation, which has a 7 hours difference with my country. He did came back after breaking up, called me and hugged me saying he would even marry me after coming to our garden. That was sadly our last day, we spend it really good and I went away.

After a few days, he decided he couldn't won the exam for the universities that he had to go. They looked into it with his parents, and found another university in England. Which is again, not my country. He would leave 20 days after i came back.

bla bla bla, I did wrote about how we didn't talked and he didn't cared anymore before, everybody told me to break up with him but I just couldn't do it. I wanted to make him happy, and be happy with him as well. I came back, thinking something would change, maybe. It didn't he didn't even seemed happy that I was back. I started to feel really bad, had other psychological problems at the time as well and needed him by my side.

After a while, I stopped eating, talking to anyone except him which wasn't frequent because he didn't talked to me that much. I prefered sleeping all day.

One day, it was enough. We did talked really nicely, laughed actually while talking. We did broke up, 3 days ago. it seemed like a mutual decision, which makes me feel a lot better.

After breaking up, I actually felt better. And I do now see him as a really nice friend, but yes, I would still do anything for him to be happy, he is still special to me. More in a, brother like way. I'm not sure. It's... awkward.

We have a group of friends. I was jealous of one of my friends from him, and I did thought they would be much better then we were together. It was feeling bad though.

Now. Those two people are dating, so yeah my ex who is one of my best friends now is dating my best friend. I am happy for them, and actually tried to show the girl that I was interested in someone else, happy to be single again bla bla bla. Also talked to my ex before about this a lot really, was happy to see his excitement again about someone. Him-in love is the best thing ever.

But it's only been 3 days since we broke up. They started dating today. And every other friend of ours are so happy for them, I am too, genuinely. But I just can't help to think that was I that worthless for him...Or would my friend still do the same thing if I didn't told that I was interested in someone else, even though I was so upset because of the situation.

I just keep thinking bad stuff about all of my group of friends, thinking they would accuse me of being not unreasonable. I don't want to think bad about my friend, I know what is what and that it is over, it actually seemed like it was over a month ago really, but I just think it's a little bit harsh to do to me. He has only a week left here, so I understand why they started dating NOW, but still..So fast. I don't know how I would feel to see my first kiss kissing one of my best friends, these are bothering me and I do feel the need to get away from her at least. I don't want to lose one of my friends though..Any help?

View related questions: best friend, broke up, his ex, jealous, kissing, my ex, university

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A female reader, Daisy_Daisy United Kingdom +, writes (15 September 2013):

Daisy_Daisy agony auntOP, I commend you for being so accommodating. X

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A female reader, Catcasforanta Turkey +, writes (15 September 2013):

Catcasforanta is verified as being by the original poster of the question

I'm 16, and he was 18..I don't know why my age shows like that :| I talked to a friend of mine and he said the thing that made me happy the most, that i helped my ex to gain confidence about having a girlfriend again, because he was actually out of a bad relationship before we met.

I'm happy that he is happy now :D

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A female reader, Catcasforanta Turkey +, writes (15 September 2013):

Catcasforanta is verified as being by the original poster of the question

I just learned that she wouldn't consider dating with him unless she haven't thought that I moved on, so I am very very happy 3

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