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Me this guy through internet chatting...I like him but not sure if I trust him. What can I do?

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Question - (8 July 2006) 1 Answers - (Newest, 9 July 2006)
A female , *sianGirl writes:

I have a boyfriend and i just met him thru the internet chatting, we live in the same town but he's out of town to study college, we chatted a lot and exchanging texts messages and talk to the phone, this is my first time to have a long distance relationship, I'm falling for him yet im still not sure whether i trust him or not, because he's studying in a very big improved city and he's a member of a local band,. i know there's a lot of temptations in there but he said that i dont have to worry because he loves me and all i have to do is to trust him., im so confuse.. please help., me. i dont want to be wrong anymore!!

View related questions: long distance, text, the internet

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A female reader, pica +, writes (9 July 2006):

Not clear if you have actually met this person and know for sure that he checks out. In any relationship, if there's mutual love/affection and trust then generally there is no need to worry. Sounds like you don't know each other too well though .. by all means keep in touch but I'd suggest not losing your head over it when there are so many uncertainties.

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