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Lately, I've developed a liking for transexual porn.

Tagged as: Pornography, Sex<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (28 January 2010) 3 Answers - (Newest, 5 March 2010)
A male Canada age 30-35, anonymous writes:

I'll start off by saying that I'm a 16 year old male and I've been watching internet porn for quite some time. Lately, I've developed a liking for transexual porn. I have absolutely no desire for a relationship with a male or a transexual so I don't believe I'm gay. I've never had very many real sexual encounters with girls, and they never went very far. I'm not unnatractive (so I've been told), I'm just quite shy. I've always lived a sheltered life so I'm not extremely confident with girls. I think I know why I've gotten into shemale porn, but I just need to get out of it. Over the years, I've gotten extremely bored of maintstream porn and moved into certain fetishes (nothing too "out there" though) and this transexual porn fetish is simply because I've become extremely bored of the other stuff. I know this is twisted and sick, and I know I've got a serious problem, I just need to know if and how I can fix it.

I never believed all of that stuff on how internet porn is corruptive until now.

View related questions: moved in, no desire, porn, shemale, shy, transexual porn

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A male reader, King_Vegeta United Kingdom +, writes (5 March 2010):

Bro, I feel your pain. I naturally like big asses and anal, and I accidently stumbled across tranny porn in my teens about 5 years ago...!? and Im still doing it. but happily I am getting over it.

Its going to be hard, but you have to train your mind before it gets too late... Basically, when I was with girls I couldn't get hard enough because I was as excited I should have been. This is more due to constantly viewing hardcore porn in general. When I was having sex, I didn't feel much pleasure and in no time got soft, this probably due to excessive masturbation from porn.

So in combination, you are deprograming your mind and senses to only respond to some 'weird' or ultra freaky situations. I think if you continue this into about your late 20s, there can be no turning back.

But your 'rehab' is easy. First thing is, if you don't masturbate for anything from 3-7 days Im sure you have seen the next time you do, you are much more excited and ejaculate a lot more... This is your cue. Try to first cut down masturbation to once or twice a week. Those occasions you do masturbate, masturbate to anything other than tranny porn and also try to masturbate with greasy hands (no so tight) so you can emulate the feeling of a vagina.

It will be hard if you have nothing else to focus on... so get a hobby, workout, get a job etc. You must be focused, and you must love yourself enough to want to better yourself.

As for tranny porn itself, I think whats alluring is that they act ultra-feminine, with almost perfect female bodies. The penis acts as a beacon to us guys, telling us how horny they are as opposed to the sometimes guess work of knowing how turn-on women are. Its all the visual stuff. Even if an erect penis of a tranny turns you on even more, its not because you are gay.

Focus on reprogramming your mind.

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A female reader, Miamine United Kingdom +, writes (28 January 2010):

Miamine agony aunt"I never believed all of that stuff on how internet porn is corruptive until now." (Quote)

Hey.. it's not the porn that's corruptive, porn didn't force you to do anything. Take responsibility for what you are doing. You choose to look at porn, and when you get bored of it, instead of giving it up, you go and look for "freaky" things. Pornography bores you now, well stop looking at it, go and find something else to do. When I get bored of something, I don't try to look for more extreme examples of the same thing.... What you gonna do next, look at child pornography or snuff films, claim you are bored and then say that the "internet pornography" forced you into it.... pffff..

Your bored, stop looking at stuff that bores you and go and do something else. Get a hobby, get a girlfriend, go out with some mates.

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A female reader, pinktopaz United States +, writes (28 January 2010):

I think you're worrying too much. An exboyfriend of mine would show me the craziest porn on the internet and we'd laugh about it together and he's be like, "Oh my God, look at this tranny! It looks like a real chick!" To me it was funny, but I kind of wondered if maybe he did get off to it sometimes when I wasn't around. He would also talk about becoming desensitized to regular porn from watching it so much. So maybe he did, but I never questioned his sexuality, and from what I know today, I'm pretty sure he's still straight.

I think there's a difference between something that might arouse you sexually because you're bored with everything and actually being a homosexual. If you know you're not, I believe you and I doubt you are. For many years I only thought lesbian porn was arousing and I'm not a lesbian. I would never want to be with a girl ever and I like men, but for a while that's all that I was somewhat interested in. And of course, I got bored with that, and in the off chance I happen to watch anything it happens to be straight porn.

So I'm sure you'll get used to the trannies then you'll move on to something else. If you know you're not gay, then you're not; that's all that matters. As far as "fixing" it, the only thing I can say is don't watch porn for a while then maybe you'll become interested in something that you would consider "normal."

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