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It was supposed to be just the two of us, and now its me, him and her!

Tagged as: Friends, Troubled relationships<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (19 May 2013) 3 Answers - (Newest, 20 May 2013)
A female United Kingdom age 22-25, anonymous writes:

Okay... So I just found out this guy I like likes me back, so I invited him to come hang around with me at the weekend but my friend tagged along too. They recently exchanged numbers and have started telling each other secrets and my friend even sent a message to me accidentally when it was meant to be for him talking about me and she put three kisses on the end which I know isn't a big deal for most people but she's very anti kisses on texts and now he's saying things like 'Me, you and **** should go to the cinema together to see this film!' when originally it was just going to be him and I. I've been getting really stressed out and jealous. I don't know whether to tell them or to just stop being a control freak.

View related questions: exchanged numbers, jealous, text

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A female reader, christina provence United States +, writes (20 May 2013):

christina provence agony auntIve been in your same situation before and i was the one who got hurt heres what i would do sit down and talk to your guy f friend tell him about yals feelings and if there is a relationship in the future for yall and if so talk to your friend about u and your guy friends feelings for each other and just let her knw ur feelings bout her talking to him flirty ro him

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A reader, anonymous, writes (19 May 2013):

Well, at your age, what he did is what boys do. He can't decide between the two of you, so he goes for both.

Ask him if he and just you can hang out together sometime.

You might not like his answer; because he may like her more.

He's just a kid, and girls are just smarter than boys when it comes to stuff like this.

She isn't being a good friend if she is hitting on someone you like behind your back. You have to tell her you know and you don't like it. She wouldn't like it if you did it to her. Let her know when she sneaks behind your back, you can't trust her. Real friends don't do that.

Just don't get your feelings hurt or take things too seriously. Boys don't get that smart until they're around 16 or older. They are too young to like just one girl when they're much younger than that.

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A female reader, Got Issues United Kingdom +, writes (19 May 2013):

Got Issues agony auntYou say that he likes you, yet he wants to spend time with both you and your friend. That's some mixed messages. It's hard to know what his intentions are without more information.

Your friend sounds a bit sneaky, to be honest, and I don't think I would trust her if I were you. I assume she knows you like the guy? If I knew one of my friends liked a guy, I'd clear off and let them spend time together, on their own. I definitely wouldn't swap numbers with the guy and text him secrets. Is it possible that she fancies him, too? Why did she tag along in the first place? Did you ask her to come?

The next time you SEE him, not via text messaging - ask him if he wants to hang out with just you. That way you can get to know him better without your friend there and see if there is anything between you. But watch out because if she has her eye on him then she could try to come between you.

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