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Is she interested in me or just friendly?

Tagged as: Dating, Friends<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (18 March 2011) 1 Answers - (Newest, 18 March 2011)
A male United States age 30-35, anonymous writes:

Hi, so I've known this attractive girl and we both go to the same school and usually share most of the classes. This year we had one class where we sat next to each other and got to know each other much more. Eventually we would team up on projects and meet after school often. She usually is always friendly to me more than usual, but she has this distinct personality where she can get anyone to like her. Text and calls were exchanged over the weeks, usually initiated by her at first, but eventually I would start intiating the texts. One day during break I thought I'd give her a text to see how she was doing but she never replied. The day we went back she said she had replied but I did not get the text. Nowadays we tease each other and poke fun at each other whenever we have the chance. She's one of the only girls in my major so she's friends with a lot of guys and more friendly with a few people.

So my question: is she interested in me or just real friendly?

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (18 March 2011):

From what you say , it appears that this girl is FRIENDLY to everyone. It looks like that this is her nature and attitude towards everybody and not only you. I would say that she is not interested in you as much as you would maybe like her to be. Any way, my advice to you is to keep things as casual as you can. And believe me if she is REALLY interested in you, it would show sooner or later. Good luck!

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