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Is my best friend jealous?

Tagged as: Friends, Teenage, Troubled relationships<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (25 November 2009) 1 Answers - (Newest, 26 November 2009)
A female Åland Islands age 30-35, *nloveagain_y writes:

ok, i'm a girl and i have this best friend of mine who's a girl.

she's a bit of a loner but she's still pretty close to me. we've been best friends for a year or so now...

i have a lot of best friends now and try to go out of the way to make all of them feel special. sometimes i try to have conversations with her and what upsets me is that all our conversations are silly or stupid. it does nothing for me. sure, fun is good, but beyond a point its annoying. i'd rather talk about something meaningful.

and today when i went to say hi n catch up with her, she says "oh, how come you're talking to me? why don't you go talk to x or y or z? "

it really upsets me because she has her friends too, and i dont go around cribbing.

how should i react?

thanks in adv for all the help :)

love u all :) 3

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A female reader, inloveagain_y Åland Islands +, writes (26 November 2009):

inloveagain_y is verified as being by the original poster of the question

thanks gina :) hope everything gets back to normal :)

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