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I'm really sad when I'm not with g/ do I overcome this?

Tagged as: Dating<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (25 September 2009) 3 Answers - (Newest, 26 September 2009)
A male United States age 36-40, anonymous writes:


Been going out with gf for just under a year now and it's got to the stage where if I am really sad when I am not in her company, which is rediculously...well...rediculous. How do I make myself feel better when I am not in her company?

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A male reader, anonymous, writes (26 September 2009):

ok I had the same problem I've been going out with this girl for 3 yrs n every time she wasn't around I would feel dissappointed n grumpy. so I decided to get in to a sport so it passed time n I have so mch fun I barely think about how she isn't with me. so if I was you I would get a hobby or do an activity. gl

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A female reader, Roadster73 United Kingdom +, writes (25 September 2009):

Roadster73 agony auntI know how u feel... My husband is away a lot & I feel really werid & sad when he is not around & I literally pine for him... I hate it that my life sort of goes on hold til he's back?? For years I over thought why I was like this? But now I realize it's because I am properly in love x

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A female reader, Angel93 United Arab Emirates +, writes (25 September 2009):

go out with your friends or relatives, enjoy parties , watch can over come it..............

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