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I'm disgusted by her nipples! How can I get past this?

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Question - (11 August 2010) 9 Answers - (Newest, 13 August 2010)
A male United States age 51-59, anonymous writes:

I have a new girl I really like in every way. Sex has been great. My problem? I am a boob man, and I really love nipples. In particular, I just go crazy over a girl with petite pink nipples that get really erect. Now, they don't have to be exactly one size or shade of color, but you get my drift.

The problem is my new girls nipples are big, silver dollar size, and brown. They don't get very erect either, perhaps cause they are so big. This really repulsed me, though I am so into everything else about her

How can I get past this? Please help!!!!!

View related questions: nipples, petite

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A female reader, maverick494 United States +, writes (13 August 2010):

My god, how old are you? Is the age you put up correct? Because this sounds like it's coming from a kid who doesn't know what boobs look like in real life.

It's simple. Either you get over your ridiculous pet peeve or you end it and wait for that perfect girl to come along, which probably will never happen.

Get real.

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A reader, anonymous, writes (13 August 2010):

I am sure she has looked at your privates and felt disgust as well. I am sure they are not perfect..

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A male reader, BrownWolf Canada +, writes (12 August 2010):

BrownWolf agony auntWhat if she was replused by your nipples and you found out, would you tell her it's over, even if everything else was amazing??

If your answer is yes, then end it so someone else can enjoy her nipples.

If your answer is no, then close your eyes.

Be thankful to have a woman who loves you the way you are.

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A male reader, anonymous, writes (11 August 2010):

she might secretly think your ball bag is too loose and dangly who knows?

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A female reader, jujubelover United States +, writes (11 August 2010):

jujubelover agony aunt"I just go crazy over a girl with petite pink nipples that get really erect." Honey, good luck finding these girls! I always wanted a tall-dark handsome guy with dimples, brown eyes, muscles, a lot of hair on his head and no hair on his chest, back or arms. Guess what? I never found that guy, but I found someone much, much better. I'm guessing you haven't been physical with many women or do not watch porn much, right? Petite pink nipples is something you can put on your wish list; but you have to be realistic and sensible, there aren't too many out there that fit that romatic illusion. Girls nipples and their other goody parts, come in different sizes, shapes and colors. You can hang on to you unrealistic fantasy and cut off many, many nice girls out there. Or you can see that you girlfriend's goody parts are just that, goody parts no matter what color shape or size they may be. You don't want to be a shallow man do you? Girls are just as insecure about their goody parts as men are about their package, so please don't mention what you told us here to her; you will hurt her immensely. I haven't had many lovers, but thank heavens I've had nice, kind, patient and thoughtful men. I didn't know how I measured up to the other women they may have had in their lives. But they made me feel beautiful and helped give me wonderful self-confidence; by calling my goody parts "delicious croutons" or that he was "lost in paradise". Corny, I know, but I hope I was able to illustrate how superficial you sound and that your girl may be the one for you and you are not seeing past this illusion. Don't miss out on great things!

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A male reader, anonymous, writes (11 August 2010):

I personally like big areolas(not brown though too)but that doesnt mean they arent great. Just for an example my wife has big porky nipples and big Areolas. Before our marriage i used to think just of perky pinkies. I dont know why people think of so small issues. Nipples are nipples. Some are big some are small. And nipples are very attractive because they are the epicentres of all the beauty of a woman. They are soft and they always are sensitive with your caresses. You can go deep inside a girls heart by the nipples. My post may seem a little vulgar. But i think that i am not very repulsed by the shape of nipples. Those are beautiful. And you should have worried of size if too. But thats not a very important case either.

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A reader, anonymous, writes (11 August 2010):

All I can say is, dont tell your girlfriend that you dont like her nipples.... that would just be cruel. You can either get over it by focusing on all the other things you really like, or you can dump her and try to get a girl whos nipples you like.... maybe you should hold nipple auditions in the future...

but seriously, how would you feel if she said, I dunno, "im disgusted by his scrotum" or something like that.... anyways, nipples are for feeding babies, and its a tad creepy when men are really into them, did you not get nursed enough as a baby? I mean, you wouldnt get turned on by a baby bottle, would you? so whats the big deal about nipples? personally i find it a huge turn off when guys are really into nipples... just my opinion!

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A male reader, Jmtmj Australia +, writes (11 August 2010):

Jmtmj agony auntEither grow up and realize how trivial this problem is or try your luck with the next girl. She can't change her nipples and you can't force yourself to like them, so all you can do is be thankful for what you've got or leave...

Not terribly sure what answer you expected to be honest...

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A reader, anonymous, writes (11 August 2010):

You're just going to have to realise she isn't like other girls uve dated and appreciate them and let their difference attract u

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