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I'm always the bridesmaid but never the bride!

Tagged as: Big Questions, Dating, Friends, Teenage<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (8 September 2008) 3 Answers - (Newest, 8 September 2008)
A female United States age 30-35, anonymous writes:

i am in high school and i have never had a boyfriend, i have lots of guys who are friends, but i am always the friend and nothing more. please help..thanks.

View related questions: never had a boyfriend

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A female reader, miss know it all United Kingdom +, writes (8 September 2008):

most guys might just see you as a friend because of the way you dress act and some might not think your girlfriend material because you might act a certain way when you are around them. Why dont you try by dressing differently and acting differently instead of being one of the guys and they might just see what they have been missing out on.

good luck hunny

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A male reader, kenny United Kingdom +, writes (8 September 2008):

kenny agony auntI know you are going to hear this alot, but the truth is you are still so young, you have got all the time in the world to meet someone. I bet that there are alot of guys out there that like you and would want to be with you. Relax, enjoy the fun that being 16/17 brings, have fun with your pals and put the thought of being with someone right out of your head. The likellhood is that you will me your perfect partner when you very least expect it, it invarible happens this way.

Take care x

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A female reader, Bubblegum-Pink United Kingdom +, writes (8 September 2008):

Bubblegum-Pink agony auntGo out to parties with both your girl and guy friends to boost your confidence. Then take it from there...

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