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I'm 27, he's 60

Tagged as: Age differences<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (4 November 2010) 1 Answers - (Newest, 5 November 2010)
A female Philippines age 36-40, anonymous writes:

hello!my love life is so 27 and my bf is 60yrs.old really a big gap but i dont understand why i trullly love him,we have a child just turn 3month and im wondering if he trully loves me becoz it seems we dont make love at all,he dont share his story about his work and he dont even tell me that he loves me..i hope you can help me becoz it feels like i wanna give up but it so hard to move on becoz i love him s

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A female reader, WhateverMovesThee United States +, writes (5 November 2010):

WhateverMovesThee agony auntHe's 60 and his sex drive is a LOT lower than yours. A man his age will be VERY set in his ways and he just might not feel comfortable expressing himself. His generation was taught to be "tough" and to be "master" of their homes. He's not going to be all lovey-dovey...Hon, talk to him, let him know you would love being told that he loves you and you miss his love-making. Don't be afraid to seduce him :)

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