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I'm 19 and he's 38... Is he too old for me?

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Question - (6 July 2010) 6 Answers - (Newest, 29 September 2010)
A female United Kingdom age 30-35, anonymous writes:

I'm 19 and turn 20 in a weeks time. I am very mature for my age and always referred to as "an old head on young shoulders" and have also got on better with people older than myself. However, i have met (and fallen for) a man who is 38, turning 39 this year. We get on fantastically, share the same interests and views, he doesn't look his age at all and is very handsome. I would love to spend my life with him but would like to know what people think as obviously when we get older it may be weird! I would like opinions from everyone on this please.

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A female reader, big_pikchure91 United States +, writes (29 September 2010):

wow i just googled, "i'm 19 he's 38" and your post pops up! i'm in thee exact same situation!!!!!!!!! obviously i'm 19 & he's 38 turning 39 this year...actually in a few weeks, but he doesn't look his age, we ave a lot in common (but not too much, to balance each other out), and i'd abso-freakin-lutely wanna spend my life with him, but have my family & his nagging at me. for the most part only his brother & my best friend knows we're "dating". we don't like to talk about the eventual "ending"...he says he can't rob me of my 20's...of my youth...people change a whole lot, but the 20's seem to be sooper crucial. well i'm down for being with him, but that thought keeps him from falling head over heels...we keep diggin our hole deeper everyday and it hurts like a mo-fo knowing hhe wouldn't be able to go thru with i don't believe that's written, but it sure is noted...we gotta touch base...i need to know how others are tryin to deal with it's really comforting and encouraging toknow someone out there is in thee same situation as i am

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A female reader, big_pikchure91 United States +, writes (29 September 2010):

wow i just googled, "i'm 19 he's 38" and your post pops up! i'm in thee exact same situation!!!!!!!!! obviously i'm 19 & he's 38 turning 39 this year...actually in a few weeks, but he doesn't look his age, we ave a lot in common (but not too much, to balance each other out), and i'd abso-freakin-lutely wanna spend my life with him, but have my family & his nagging at me. for the most part only his brother & my best friend knows we're "dating". we don't like to talk about the eventual "ending"...he says he can't rob me of my 20's...of my youth...people change a whole lot, but the 20's seem to be sooper crucial. well i'm down for being with him, but that thought keeps him from falling head over heels...we keep diggin our hole deeper everyday and it hurts like a mo-fo knowing hhe wouldn't be able to go thru with i don't believe that's written, but it sure is noted...we gotta touch base...i need to know how others are tryin to deal with it's really comforting and encouraging toknow someone out there is in thee same situation as i am

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (7 July 2010):

I think what is the most important is that you have similar interests, goals and enjoy the same sort of lifestyle, more so than age, you wouldn't want someone holding you back from enjoying your 20's just because he has already experienced all that. But you say you get on fine, so age shouldn't really be an issue. good luck!

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A male reader, anonymous, writes (6 July 2010):

Not looking his age is a good sign. It means he will not look that old as time goes by. The answer is not so simple though. There are men who are in their 60s and are pretty healthy. There are guys who are 30 and act and have health problems like they were much much older. It would be painful if you refrained from living a great love affair just because of age.In life there is no guarantee that things will work out just fine. Sometimes you have to take chances. There is a saying that goes 'better regret the things you have done than the things you haven´t'.

The best of luck!

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (6 July 2010):

i have the same question, but the difference is that i am 30 and he is 45. I dont want to make u down, but at ur age, this difference is critical coz u r still young while he is so mature and have a lot of experience.

Anyway, there is nthg general in relationships, he may be the one for u but be careful

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A male reader, Dr.LanceMerryweather United Kingdom +, writes (6 July 2010):

Dr.LanceMerryweather agony auntIt certainly can't hurt to continue as you are, you're obviously enjoying the relationship so roll with it. It does seem however, that you are concerned about the future. Well, old people aren't pretty, often grumpy, don't do much sex, don't do much of anything, often suffer with ailments of one sort or another etc. etc. whereas you will still be pretty, healthy, have sexual needs, want to do many things he won't or can't do etc. etc.

If you think you can honestly live with and deal with that situation, then bollocks to what anyone else thinks.

Good luck, Miss.

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