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I want to kiss her but I'm too nervous

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Question - (12 June 2011) 8 Answers - (Newest, 4 November 2015)
A male United States age 26-29, anonymous writes:

Hi everyone I need some advice on a big problem for me. My girlfriend and I have been going out for a while now and we've took our relationship to the next level. I've been wanting to kiss her for a while now and every time I go to do it I get super nervous. What are some ways that I can get past this and why do you think I do get nervous. Thanks so much.

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A male reader, Rockey United States +, writes (4 November 2015):

being nervous is something lots of people do its a part of life and if you do get nervous think to yourself "im not nervous"and you wont be as nervous as you were at first

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A reader, anonymous, writes (12 June 2011):

Have you ever kissed a girl ? If not well that can be the reason.

I mean it's your first kiss, it's ok to be a little nervous. You are going to make more damage not kissing her than acctualy kissig her.

Plan something romantic and tell yourself that you are gona kiss her on that day.

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (12 June 2011):

Heyy I'm your age & I used to be in the same situation! My boyfriend was very shy and I had to make the first move into kissing. It is very scary and you're probably nervous because you care & you're worried something will go wrong? But don't think about that. Chances are she wants you to kiss her just as much and shes probably scared too! Its not much help but honestly, when the times right, take a deep breath and just go for it! It only has to be quick and if it goes wrong you can laugh it off & ask to try again, she'll like that :) But honestly you won't regret it & once you've kissed once it gets soo much easier! It brings you closer aswell :)

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A male reader, wantspaintogoaway United States +, writes (12 June 2011):

wantspaintogoaway agony auntI got nervous for the first few girls ive kissed but after that i was fine. Just think about her and only her, it should come naturally

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A female reader, ArtsyGirl United States +, writes (12 June 2011):

When my boyfriend and I were first dating I was shy in the kissing department, and my BF respected that. Instead he would ask to kiss my cheek or hand, and eventually I gained up the courage to let him kiss me. So maybe just start somewhere not her lips, like cheek/forehead/hand etc.

No matter what though it will take courage. I know I was still a little nervous kissing my boyfriend, but I wanted too, and after a while I wasn't nervous anymore and enjoyed kissing.

Hope I helped!


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A reader, anonymous, writes (12 June 2011):

your getting nervous cause your thinking about it too much just go with the flow and if you do get nervous again just do it anyway cause once you have done it you'll never be nervous again

good luck

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A female reader, ml.ama Portugal +, writes (12 June 2011):

Have you ever kissed someone? Are you afraid your bad at it? It's ok to be nervous. It means you care.

Firstly, kissing comes naturally, even if you don't have any experience in no time you will be a pro! lol If you make something that makes you feel embarrassed just laugh, nobody is perfect and it will brake the ice and make relax more.

Secondly, a kiss should be about expressing your feelings, how much you like the other person.

Taking baby steps may help you. Whenever you are together and you feel like hugging her, hug her, give little kisses in her face and then kiss her in the lips tenderly and then if you feel it kiss her more passionately.

Good luck!

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A reader, anonymous, writes (12 June 2011):

man people have bigger problems that's just kissing. dude just hold her hands..look straight into her eyes..and just go for it. believe me she wants you to do the move. just forget about everything at that moment and just go for it.

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