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I want to get some sun but don't want to burn or get red!

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Question - (16 January 2011) 2 Answers - (Newest, 16 January 2011)
A female Canada age 30-35, *ikki Nikkles writes:

Hey guys, how's it going!

I haven't posted any questions in a while. But I've got one now.

Soo... I'm kind of a ginger. Some people say I am, where other people say I'm "more blonde". Truth is, my hair is a strawberry blonde with red highlights. All natural, I've never dyed my hair. But anyway, I'm also VERY pale. And, for the summer, I kinda want to get a light tan. Just so I don't blind people from glowing in the sun when I go to the beach. Is there anyway I can do this without getting burnt to a crisp? And I don't want any fake tans either. I want them from the sun. I just want to know if there's any sort of lotion or oil I can put on to make me less red while doing it.

Thanks guys!! :D

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A reader, anonymous, writes (16 January 2011):

My advice is to stay out of the sun as much as possible. Always use sunscreen and go to the beach after 4pm or so. You are more vulnerable to skin cancer due to your complexion.

When you're older you will look much younger than everyone else if you take good care of your skin now.

If you really want some color use a fake tan product or mineral makeup.

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A male reader, C. Grant Canada +, writes (16 January 2011):

C. Grant agony auntThe smart thing to do is sunblock. If you're pale, then get the highest SPF that works with your skin. Ya, the first week in the sun with SPF 80 you're going to blind people with your pale skin but you're Canadian, and all the other Canadians are going to be just like you (and me) coming out from under half a dozen layers of clothes. We'll all be blinding each other with the sun reflecting off our sun-deprived bodies, and we'll all be wearing serious sun glasses 'cause we haven't seen bright lights for months. Don't fret - a week in bright sun with a proper SPF and you'll be fine.

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