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I think i have bulimia....

Tagged as: Health<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (22 July 2007) 3 Answers - (Newest, 22 July 2007)
A female United Kingdom age 36-40, anonymous writes:

Im constantly on a diet, i always feel really fat and im not happy with my body.

I think i am Bullimic...i starve myself for days living mainly on slimfast and then when i eat i eat loads and make myself sick.

I really want to be happy with myself but im not.

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A female reader, DIE-romantic. United Kingdom +, writes (22 July 2007):

DIE-romantic. agony auntAwww! It sounds like you do have bulimia to me, but with help you can pull through it, you just have to believe in yourself and see that you are perfect the way you are. I bet your gorgeous, you dont need to do this. Try and seek help off websites or a phoneline.

I hope that you pull through this love.

Good luck. xxxxx

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (22 July 2007):

Aww you poor thing! You should not be like that! I bet you're stunning...I used to have abit of a problem with my weight and I was really stupid about it! I'm like a british size 6/8...and I thought I was fat...n so i didnt eat - n i developed a condition in my stomach...which hurts lots...

I look back on pics now and I just think -why did i do that? my hipbones were sticking out and everything...

The sad thing is - i often think of gettin really thin again - just because i liked the attention...which is reaaly stupid and I know its stupid...

Everyone looks so so so much better when they have a little bit of weight on them, it's just a case of trying to see it for yourself. At least u've realised that u may have something wrong?

Hope you're able to sort it out hun! xxx

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A male reader, toocomplicated Australia +, writes (22 July 2007):

It sounds like a tough way to be. Obviously there are some deeper problems here that you might want to get help with.

Talking to a therapist can be really good.

Otherwise, it's clear that you need to be eating more regularly and in normal amounts. If you do this you'll probably find that your weight will be fine and you will also feel better. 3 average meals a day of healthy food really makes a difference in how you feel. We are what we eat.

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