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I recently broke it off because the way he was juggling our relationship with his "family" responsibilities was hurting my feelings.

Tagged as: Breaking up, Dating, Family<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (12 December 2008) 2 Answers - (Newest, 13 December 2008)
A female United States age 41-50, anonymous writes:

I have been dating a guy with 2 kids for almost a year. We have gone away together. I have met his brother, mother and friends. When we are together it is nothing but fun. When we can't be together because of our schedules, we text each other all day long. I recently broke it off because the way he was juggling our relationship with his "family" responsibilities was hurting my feelings. He said he wasn't ready to combine his "two lives" b/c of his fears of how his kids and ex-wife would react. He has repeatedly apologized for hurting my feelings and says he doesn't want to continue doing. He realizes he has issues he needs to work on but I'm not sure if things will work out even though I want it to. Should I just cut my losses or continue to give him his space while keeping my options open?

View related questions: ex-wife, text

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A reader, anonymous, writes (13 December 2008):

You probably should cut your loses. If you find it difficult to accept that he has parental responsibilities, you should move on and find yourself a nice single guy with no kids! They will always be a part of his life. Why is he so afraid of what his exwife will think...that sounds a little suspicious. How old are his children? You really haven't given us enough information. For instance is he divorced from her, or just separated? You can give him his space and see what happens, but don't stop searching for Mr. Single & Right!!!

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A female reader, c.s.i. United States +, writes (13 December 2008):

It sounds like there might be something he's not telling you. Maybe the ex-wife might react negatively to knowing he has moved on. Maybe he's scared to make the transition. Give him his space and keep your options open. He'll eventually decide what he wants to do.

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