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I just wish he loved me the way that I love him

Tagged as: Breaking up<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (11 May 2011) 1 Answers - (Newest, 12 May 2011)
A female United States age 30-35, *rightstars writes:

I know i'm pretty young to be in a long term full on relationship, i also know alot things that everybody i know tells me. But thats not the problem, the problem for me is that my mind is telling me not to be with the guy who cheats on me,and obviously who does not care nor love me at all. And it hurts to come to that reality. Because i know if he did none of this would happen. I'm hurt real bad, because i did finally come to the reality of us being over, done for life. And being in this reality is scary because just yesterday we were fine. He seem like he loved me. Holding me while we watch movies together. And i never go look for trouble, i dont just go out and ask everyone if he does anything, its not like that at all. I just stay home and drama gets sent my way. I feel sad. His family never liked me because he exaggerates my part to them as if im this horrible person. So they tell him to leave me. They tell him to get a job in another state where his aunt lives , but I know its the only way they think they can get him away from me. And my family does not like him neither not because i say anything i dont like talking about my business to them, but they just see and look with eyes and know how he is. Even know it seems like we should of stop the relationship long time ago, thats an outsiders view, but to me there were good happy fun romantic times together also. And it hurts alot. Because im not going to put myself in that reck. Im not affraid of anything because its ending. Its just that theres gonna be no more us! i loved him, i love him still. I just wish he loved me the way i loved him these 4 years. I mean i know he liked me alot but as far as love he didnt know what that was......with me anyway. So im upset and i write this in order to feel better and vent it out. and maybe you readers can give me a word of courage. thank you. brightstars

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A female reader, aunt honesty Ireland +, writes (12 May 2011):

aunt honesty agony auntOff course it is hard to accept that a relationship is over, but sweetie if he was cheating on you and not treating you right well then believe me you are better off without him. You deserve better than that. It takes time to mend a broken heart. But at least you are beginning to accept that it is over and there is no going back. That is a good sign.

Now the best thing for you to do is to cut all contact with him and just keep yourself busy. Do activities that you enjoy doing, meet up with friends and just have an active social life. Time is a great healer and believe me you will feel better in time.

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