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I have doubts about my partner

Tagged as: Cheating, Troubled relationships<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (24 December 2010) 4 Answers - (Newest, 26 December 2010)
A male United Kingdom age 51-59, anonymous writes:

I have doubts about my partner. When i met her she told me that she had booked a holiday to mexico with friends for xmas. As xmas came around i found that she is sharing a room with a male friend. Last night as we were making love for the last time for 2 weeks, as she was having a orgasm she called me by his name. I played it down this morning and waved her off for her holiday. I also found that she has gone away for xmas leaving her 10 yr old daughter in tears as she has to spend xmas without her mum and has to stay with her dad. Do you think that this person is upto something with the guy she is going on holiday with and also do you think that she is extremely shallow to go away for xmas on a exotic holiday whilst her daughter is at home missing the most important thing in her life.

View related questions: on holiday, orgasm

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A male reader, baddogbj China +, writes (26 December 2010):

baddogbj agony auntit is not a good situation. don't be a doormat.

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A female reader, _nataliebeebaybee1 United Kingdom +, writes (24 December 2010):

_nataliebeebaybee1 agony auntI would deffo confront her about this. It would deffo make me a little bit worried whilst she was away.

My boyfriend is away at vegas at the moment im already feeling a little worried about him and nothing as happened.

It does seem a little odd and strange ! Maybe she did it on purpose to make you worried whilst she was away. Is she that sort of person do you think ?

as for leaving her daughter she is in safe hands i wouldnt worry about that xxx

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A male reader, anonymous, writes (24 December 2010):

Leaving her family and new boyfriend behind at Xmas ... Sharing a room in Mexico with the guy whose name she screams as she orgasms... hmmm... yea I would say that is pretty good evidence she is boinking him.... move on brother...

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A male reader, dirtball United States +, writes (24 December 2010):

dirtball agony auntThe daughter thing is forgivable. It's not like she was left with strangers, she was left with her dad.

If I had just experienced what you did, my trust would be waivering as well. Calling you by his name, and them sharing a room doesn't sound too good on this end.

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