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I feel threatened by my emotionally abusive ex. What can I do?

Tagged as: Teenage, The ex-factor<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (24 January 2013) 3 Answers - (Newest, 25 January 2013)
A female Singapore age 30-35, anonymous writes:

Hi all, I broke up with an emotionally abusive ex half a year ago. On top of that, he owed me a few hundred dollars.

The breakup was not pleasant. He threatened to commit suicide if I wouldn't get back with him. He has also left voice messages saying he was around my block just waiting to catch a glimpse of me.

The final straw was when he got his sister to send me a text, informing me that he has been "brain dead". But my friend and I blew their cover and he was lying the whole time.

I find this whole issue really childish and all I want now is for him to leave me alone. Just when I thought this ordeal was over, he recently texted me a happy birthday in advance and that he would see me around soon and to spend my day wisely.

I am worried for my safety. What should I do?

View related questions: broke up, emotionally abusive, text

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A female reader, Denise32 United States +, writes (25 January 2013):

Denise32 agony auntHe's not going to commit suicide (highly unlikely: he's just attempting to manipulate you into getting back with him).

If you can, BLOCK him AND his sister from sending you any more texts. Change your phone number - or at least, put a block on your phone regarding any calls from him or his family. Change the locks on your front (and back) doors to your home.

Have you - can you? talk to your parents about your concerns?

If you can, they may be able to advise you on how to protect yourself.

I'm not certain of this, but I think to get a restraining order from the police he'd have to do something drastic like verbally threatening you or attempting to break into your home. Still, if you want you might talk to a police person as to how to handle this man.

Good luck!

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A male reader, anonymous, writes (24 January 2013):

wow, this guy is crazy. i hate to say that he seems physically harmless because i obviously don't know for sure, but he seems it to me. he just seems extremely immature and needs to grow up.

if you do, however, feel your safety is threatened, i'd give him a warning. let him know that if he contacts you even just one more time - ONE MORE TIME - you will go to the police and get a restraining order. hopefully you still have all of the text evidence? if not, you can certainly get them from your cell phone provider in case you need them. and if he contacts you after that warning message, i would do as you said, and go to the cops. hope this helps. good luck with this nut job.

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (24 January 2013):

Log down all the text messages and any contact and then go to the police for them to put a restraining order or what ever you call it in the USA on him and then he won't be able to harass you. Because this is just his way of trying to gain control over you.

Hope this helps.

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