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I feel like I'm not good enough to meet all his requirements! How do I shake these feelings?

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Question - (6 April 2006) 1 Answers - (Newest, 7 April 2006)
A female United Kingdom, *issyJ writes:

hi i really need help with my jealous problem ! im so self consious of my boyfriends ex ! i know they were only together for a month and a half and we've been for 8months but it still annoys me how she was able to sleep over and i cant, and how him and i are virgins but they did more than me and him have because im not ready :( i know he's happy with me but this issue really gets me down as i feel like im not good enough or meet all of his requirements :( help !!!!!!!!!!!!

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A male reader, tux United States +, writes (7 April 2006):

tux agony auntWell answer this. Who is he with now? You or her? and who was with him longer? you or her? I wouldn't rush it.. apparently you got a great thing going and he doesnt want to rush it. Apparently the other relationship went to quick and crashed and he may have sensed it and didnt want to make the same mistake with you. Don't worry here. I'm sure since he's with you now, you are good enough for him.

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