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I didn't insist to know her past; now I wonder if she's ever been married or has had kids. How to put my mind at rest?

Tagged as: Dating, Troubled relationships<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (18 December 2007) 3 Answers - (Newest, 19 December 2007)
A male United Kingdom age 41-50, anonymous writes:

hi am 25 years of age going out with a women of 35, thats not the issue at hand what is that she has told me that there are things in her past that she thinks will hurt me but i told not to tell me coz they would probbably mess things up, its now Christmas time and i think that she has had kids and has been married in a previous relationship.

this was brought up by my mother who said that was the first impression she got of her. but i on the other hand didnt think that till my mother brought it up.. am i just paranoid or do you think that my mother is onto something???, it nearly tore us apart today and i didnt have the heart to come out and ask her as i love her so much with all my heart, please help me settle my mind?.

View related questions: christmas, her past

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A male reader, anonymous, writes (19 December 2007):

Sit her down and tell her its important for u to know and u will not judge her if she tells you the truth.

The thing is if she does tell u...u will have to accept it and be prepared for it to hurt its up to u really still want to know?

Good luck!

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A female reader, Full moon temptress1 United Kingdom +, writes (18 December 2007):

You don`t say how long you`ve been seeing her, i imagine its not very long.Don`t take what your mom too seriously, she just wants to protect you, it`s only natual.Enjoy the time you have with your girlfriend.Try and put the thoughts to the back of your mind,You say you love her.Give it 6mths and if you still want to know ask her then.

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A male reader, Samutsen Poland +, writes (18 December 2007):

Samutsen agony auntI don't think it is possible she could have hidden it from you if she was married and had kids.

I guess she meant she had rough affairs and may be rapes or one night stands.

You can objectively ask her what was the thing that was supposed to hurt you, without implying your suspicion.

I am sure your mother is wrong (they are usually right but not always)

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