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I cheated on my girlfriend. Should I tell her?

Tagged as: Cheating, Dating<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (30 October 2009) 6 Answers - (Newest, 1 November 2009)
A male United Kingdom age 30-35, anonymous writes:

I am in a new relationship with this girl, who I have fallen in love with. However stupidly, I slept with another girl. This other girl was one who I had liked for ages and to be honest I succumbed to lust. The guilt now is unbearable, and I truly wish above anything else I had not done it. I am now wondering whether I should tell my girlfriend about it to get the guilt of my chest, plus I would hate it for her to find out any other way. But I am fairly sure she would not find out anyway. Should I tell her?

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A female reader, sorryididwrong101 United States +, writes (1 November 2009):

i hate to say this but she most likely knows or thinks she knows u did. every male and female have a sence of these things its just how open you r to it. but if i was you i would tell her. if you don't the guilt will just keep growing untill you burst. and she has a right 2 know.

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A reader, anonymous, writes (31 October 2009):

if me, i wouldn't want to know (every one take things differently though) in my view as long as you know this wont' happen again and will be truthful to her, this will be fair enough. Mistake happens.

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (30 October 2009):

You have to tell your gf! I know its harsh but do the crime do the time!!! If you dont tell her u will never get ur old relationship back anyway because ull become paranoid and the guilt will take over. You should tell her soon the longer u leave it the wirse it will be good luck

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A female reader, emilymarie26 United States +, writes (30 October 2009):

If you love her, she deserves the truth. Even if you think she would never find out, would you really want to explain that to her months down the road if she does? And would your really want to explain why you weren't honest in the first place? That just has permanent trust issues written all over it.

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A male reader, anonymous, writes (30 October 2009):

Hell no!! Are you nuts?? You feel guilty for no reason. You are in your early 20's and this is what you do at this age. You are not engaged or married, therefore, you have not made a real committment to this relationship.

You should be pounding pussy till the cows come home. Since cows never leave home you know what I mean. Do it now while you are young. You are too young to be in a serious committment. Go sow your oats now and get it out of your system before you settle down.

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A reader, anonymous, writes (30 October 2009):

Releasing your guilt is not the reason to admit to cheating, she is not a confessor! for that go to a priest etc. It might relieve you of feeling like a fake but it will not help your relationship. If you still believe that telling her is the right thing to do, then you will need to frame it for yourself and for her in a context that is beneficial to the relationship in some way otherwise you are just dumping on her.

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