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Husband won't see a doctor or a counseller and doesn't want me to go - but we NEED HELP!

Tagged as: Marriage problems<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (4 May 2009) 0 Answers - (Newest, )
A female , anonymous writes:

I have been married nearly ten years and we have three children one of which has special needs and as times goes on is having more and more problems. As a family we are stretched to the limit and I have now told my husband twice that I cannot carry on with things anymore. I have suggested marriage counselling which he said won't help with our son and he said he is not talking to a counsellor about us and also his parents never needed one.

I said that if we go through our son's school for extra help would he talk to someone and he said no he would only accept someone helping us (which we do need). My husband doesn't want my son in a special school which is what he might need in the end.

I said well how can we carry on like this. I said maybe he needed to see a doctor because he is said he was feeling low because of having so many knockbacks at work but he said he doesn't want to see a doctor and they can't help him.

So I said ok maybe I should see a doctor and he can say how I have been at home and how stressful things have been. He said that was fine as long as I was not referred to a counsellor as the last time I went several years ago he said the counsellor did me no good and he said my personality changed. I said if it had been that bad then he should have said something to someone.

Anyway he has said that he would come with me to see a doctor but just to support me in getting help. He said the only time he would see a counsellor if it was a sex therapist to get me to start having sex again as I have gone off it.

I have gone off it because I feel I am so stressed out that I am no longer interested in wanting to do it.

When I said I had had enough yesterday he showed me no comfort, he didn't hug me or do anything like that and to top it off I am now not sure along with a professional I have spoken to about this whether he is starting to be emotionally controlling or whether he has got the adult asperger symptoms (my son has got the child symptoms of it).

My only other thought is to walk out with the kids to give him a shock and to make him do something but I don't know whether I should really do that.

I can't think of anything else to do to try and make things work out.

I hope someone can advise me.

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