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Hungry all the time..painful stomach? Could be pregnant?

Tagged as: Pregnancy<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (6 August 2010) 9 Answers - (Newest, 8 August 2010)
A female United States age 30-35, *aylee kristen writes:

Hi, I'm 20years old I have been noticing unusual things about my body last night I layed on my stomach and it hurt really bad and I pushed on my stomach lightly and it was rock hard and I've been very hungry all the time for the past week could I possibly be pregnant?

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A female reader, BAMMM United Kingdom +, writes (8 August 2010):

BAMMM agony auntwahhh congrats !

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A female reader, jaylee kristen United States +, writes (7 August 2010):

jaylee kristen is verified as being by the original poster of the question

jaylee kristen agony auntI took a test and I am pregnant.

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A female reader, AuntyEm United Kingdom +, writes (7 August 2010):

AuntyEm agony auntIf your on the pill you're probably NOT pregnant, but get a test to be sure.

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A female reader, jaylee kristen United States +, writes (7 August 2010):

jaylee kristen is verified as being by the original poster of the question

jaylee kristen agony auntI had sex with my boyfriend and we don't use protection he just pulls out but he did maturbait right beside me and he came on me so the cum couldve possibly entered my vagina and got me pregnant...I don't know if I couldve missed a period because I am irregular but then again I am on the pill.

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A female reader, AprilHeirwynd United Kingdom +, writes (7 August 2010):

AprilHeirwynd agony auntsure, you could be pregnat but these signs don't automatically point to it. What does is whether you've had unprotected sex. Have you? Get a pregnancy test and find out. You can decide what to do after that.

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (7 August 2010):

Sure, you could be pregnant but none of these signs automatically point to it. What does is if you've had unprotected sex. If so, go get a pregnancy test and find out. You can work out what you want to do form there.

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A male reader, Dr james bell Ireland +, writes (7 August 2010):

well there is a possibility,but you must get it checked out.Have you missed a period?.Dont leave it too long though.Take care

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A female reader, BAMMM United Kingdom +, writes (7 August 2010):

BAMMM agony auntHave you had unprotected sex? Then yes, you could be pregnant.

Even if you have been on the pill or used condoms and had sex, there is a very small chance you could be pregnant.

From your symptoms, i would say maybe you have a digestive problem, but im no doctor!

See a doctor if you are concerned!

and if you miss your period, then yes, it could be because your pregnant.

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A female reader, BluntLove United States +, writes (7 August 2010):

a) Have you had unprotected sex or protection didn't go as planned? b) when was your last missed period, and c) how long has this been going on? If you did have unprotected sex or haven't gotten your period, take a pregnancy test. If you haven't had sex in a while or had gotten your period recently, then please see a doctor.

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