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How to make your breasts sprout?

Tagged as: Health, Teenage<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (11 November 2010) 8 Answers - (Newest, 13 November 2010)
A female United States age 26-29, anonymous writes:

i have a problem i didnt get my period and i and i am 14 years old and my weight is 37 and i am not tall and i dont have boobs

i dont know how make them grow?

View related questions: boobs, breasts, period

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A female reader, dmartin89 United Kingdom +, writes (13 November 2010):

dmartin89 agony auntI assumed 37kg.. Or 137lbs?

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A female reader, r_a_w_r1645 United States +, writes (11 November 2010):

r_a_w_r1645 agony auntthey grow on their own. give it time. theyll get there. 37 pounds? yeah if your like a 1 year old kid maybe. haha. 137?

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A female reader, tennisstar88 United States +, writes (11 November 2010):

tennisstar88 agony auntI started getting bunny slopes at My rosy didn't arrive till I was 14.

Like an aunt said, once you get your period..even a little before that your boobs will start to blossom. Every girl starts that process of turning into a woman at different ages. Just be patient.

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A reader, anonymous, writes (11 November 2010):

You're just a late bloomer :) No worries at all.

Fourteen is still very young, even though in your eyes it may not seem so. I got my period right before I turned 13, and I didn't get it again until six months later. Don't try to rush puberty or you might make things harder for yourself. These things are usually genetic, so ask your mom or your grandmother when they got their first period, or when they think they started puberty. Other then that make sure you have a very healthy diet, it might be late because you're not healthy. Consult your doctor about what a good diet for you is, and what HEALTHY ways to gain weight are. You want to gain GOOD weight, not bad fat from McCdonalds fries. Make sure it's balanced, you get vitamins, and that you exercise a healthy amount. If you keep a good diet you should gain weight in all the right places.

Keep in mind that some people don't hit puberty until their 16, it's all chill. :)

Good luck sweetheart

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A reader, anonymous, writes (11 November 2010):

You probably have just started puberty if you have not gotten your period yet. I got my period when i was 12 or 13 and I'm now 15 almost 16. My breasts are definitely not done growing and im a B cup. Just wait. Everybody grows at their own pace. If you are that concerned about it then go to see a doctor, but it is perfectly normal in my eyes.

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A female reader, dmartin89 United Kingdom +, writes (11 November 2010):

dmartin89 agony auntYou sound very skinny for your age. You may not have enough body fat to start mensturating.

If you are looking for medical advice, see your doctor.

You can't make your boobs magically grow without surgery.

They will grow when you get older. You've only just come into puberty, relax!

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A reader, anonymous, writes (11 November 2010):

Your weight is 37? Do you mean 137? Anyway, you're still very young and people mature and different agaes. Don't worry too much about it because there's nothing you can do to speed up the process.

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A female reader, Sarahh._x United Kingdom +, writes (11 November 2010):

Sarahh._x agony auntYou cant make them grow! Im 14 too, but you have to give it time. You havent started your period yet so chances are your hormones havent kicked in! As soon as you start getting your period you boobs will grow like anything!

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