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How long do most 20-something guys stay interested in girl?

Tagged as: Dating, Troubled relationships<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (18 August 2010) 1 Answers - (Newest, 18 August 2010)
A female United States age 30-35, anonymous writes:

[Mod Note - OP's own title]

How long do most 20-something guys stay interested in girl?

I hit things off with a guy last year, but things ended on an "odd" note (we never got our feeling out in the open, despite both being very attracted to each other). He's the kind of guy thats more into serious relationships and by the end of the year had began to hinting at our future together (making dates for the next year), stopped dating ther girls, gave me a meaningful gifts, started ditching frieds to hang out with me, got jealous over some dormmates/some of his friends (who love to cockblck), etc. Most people tell me to gauge his interest in how often he tries to keep contact with me but due to a slight language barrier (as well as a few other issues) we never became good communicators with cellphones.Since we will see eachother again, I now am worried about whether or not he lost interest. With a case like this is it worth trying to give it another shot? What are the chances he'd still be interested?

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A male reader, dirtball United States +, writes (18 August 2010):

dirtball agony auntIf a guy is really interested in a girl that doesn't go away easily, at any age. If you're still thinking about him, I bet he's likely not forgotten you either. Give it a shot. If he got a GF over the summer then it's his loss. He sounds like he was into you based on what you've said. I would doubt that has changed.

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