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How do I end this relationship with sensitivity?

Tagged as: Breaking up, Dating<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (7 January 2010) 6 Answers - (Newest, 8 January 2010)
A female United Kingdom age 51-59, *attyana writes:

How do I end my relationship with my boyfriend who is so kind, considerate and loves me to bits, when I just dont love him any more and can't see a future with him? I hate the feeling like I am lying to him whenever we are together!

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A male reader, DeadEyeDick United States +, writes (8 January 2010):

DeadEyeDick agony auntAnd dont tell him the good things about himself, just comming off a break up myself, I can say nothing is more patronizing then a chick dumping you, then telling you whats good about you, cause obviously if those things were so good, why would she be dumping you!

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A male reader, anonymous, writes (7 January 2010):

If he could magically change just enough so that you loved him again, how would he have to change?

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A reader, anonymous, writes (7 January 2010):

I was in this same situation a little over a year ago. My boyfriend at the time cared very much for me, but I just wasn't feeling the same way about him anymore.

What really helped me was realizing that staying in the relationship wasn't fair to either of us and that ending the relationship was the right decision. Unfortunately, sometimes the hardest thing to do and the right thing to do are one in the same.

Therefore, my advice is to tell your boyfriend the truth. Tell him how much he and the relationship mean to you. Then explain that you've started to feel detached and less invested in the relationship, so you think that breaking up would be the best thing for you and for him.

Just remember not to make any promises you don't intend on keeping. For example, don't tell him there's a chance you'll want to get back together if there really isn't.

Best of luck!

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A female reader, AskEve United Kingdom +, writes (7 January 2010):

AskEve agony auntI hope this helps.


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A male reader, Sexualhealthadviser United Kingdom +, writes (7 January 2010):

Sexualhealthadviser agony aunthi

well he seems a very decent young man and the kind of boyfriend any girl would dream for, but regarding you not feeling the same any more for him i think you should not have to feel like your lieing to him anymore, i think you should sit down and tell him straight but be as gental as possible as lads can be very sensative as girls. you should tell him how you feel and that he deserves better and that your love had drifted away and you see him more as a friend, maybe you could be really close friends. tell him you have enjoyed the time you have spent together and that memories cant be taken away from uses or forgotten.

all i can say now is good luck, and please reply back and tell me if any of my advice was helpful

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A male reader, CaringGuy United Kingdom +, writes (7 January 2010):

You can't end it easily. You just have to sit him down, look him in the eye and tell him it's not working out and that it's over. Clearly say it softly, but don't tip toe around the issue. All the best.

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