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How can we stop fighting and get back to how we used to be?

Tagged as: Breaking up, Dating, Faded love<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (27 January 2011) 3 Answers - (Newest, 27 January 2011)
A female Australia age 30-35, *esta101 writes:

My partner and i have been together for 2 and half years. things were great at the start but as life gose on a few problems come with it. Laterly all we seem to be doing is fighting. We have spoke many times about whats going on and end the end we dont really no wat to do but we dont want to brake up we both love each other very much. How or wat can we try or do to get back that spark?

He is also not being that very effectionet and he no's that his not. Any ideas on how to set the mood again or any thiing please we need help. :)

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A female reader, desta101 Australia +, writes (27 January 2011):

desta101 is verified as being by the original poster of the question

Thanks alot for ur answers.

i have tryed a few of those thing and it kills me but i do try. His one of those guys that just dose thing with out talking to me about it. If he dose ask for my opion and he dose not like the answer he just dose it any wasy coz he wanted to. He dose not find it hadr to help out his mates but if i ask for a huge in bed he says yeah ill do it soon, next minute u no his asleep. I always try to tell him how i feel but its like he wont or cant do any thing to fix it. i have left before to give us some space and it was like nothing had changed. he went out all night and didnt get home till 5. i no it might sound a bit up myself but i wish he was at home with all the stuff going around in his like i was and thinking on how to fix it. Its so heard we have tryed alot of thing and i think its coming to the end of him trying. HELP!!!!!!!

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A female reader, Cherrie_StPierre Australia +, writes (27 January 2011):

Cherrie_StPierre agony auntThe honeymoon affect is over. After a while, it takes a lot of work to keep the relationship strong and loving. Your relationship may be going through rough times now but it doesn´t mean it has to end. Neither of you want it to. Talking about that was a good start. So now you have to pay more attention to the little things. Changes don't happen overnight, you both have a lot of work to do, and the arguing is where you need to start. I don't know what you two are arguing about but the number one reason why couples argue is because there has been a breakdown in communication. You both have expectations of each other that possibly you both have not lived up to. Talk to each other about this, as well as your values. try to be intimate. Touching, kind words. If you can't say something nice, don't say it! Arguing is a choice. If you want that honeymoon feeling back. First of all, you need to give him space. Not be too clingy, it will only drive him farther away. Then you need to let him see the woman he fell for in the beginning. Remember what you did that really made him unable to resist you and realize that you can do it again.

If all else fails and it still seems as it is going nowhere, tell him that you are thinking of ending it. Sometimes when a man is forced to believe his partner no longer wants or needs him, he instantly changes his attitude towards the relationship in fear of losing you.


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A female reader, aunt honesty Ireland +, writes (27 January 2011):

aunt honesty agony auntOk well all couples argue from time to time, it is completely normal so dont stress about that. I guess you need to both sit and think about what subjects make you both argue the most and try and solve these issues by talking to each other openly and honestly.

As for being affectionate there are lots of things you can try to get the spark back. Go back to dating and maybe go out for a meal and when you come home light some candles and put on some music and maybe dance or massage each other. Little ideas on things that would be fun and romantic are the key to showing each other more attention.


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