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He said he'd post naked pics of me if he ever saw me with another guy

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Question - (6 September 2014) 5 Answers - (Newest, 7 September 2014)
A female Philippines age 30-35, anonymous writes:

Please help me i have the same problem and it is much worse because he just doesn't wanna see me happy.. he hasn't post my naked pictures yet but he would if he see me happy. I dunno what to do with it... I don't want my pictures to be posted all over the internet... :( please help me... I never asked nothing from him.. he didn't give me anything and i refused everytime he would buy me a gift , i wanna avoid the issue of "using" between us because he is a foreigner... I met him when i was 18 and he was 25 .. I didn't know what i was doing. I was very inlove with him and did everything he asked me to do and giving him naked photos is just one of so many thing that i did just to keep him satisfied. He was treating me bad and always calling me names.. He never made feel that he loves me so eventually my love for him faded away. So i decided to break up with him but he said he would post my pictures once he see me with another guy. I am not in a relationship with someone right now but i am still so scared.

View related questions: nude pictures, the internet

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A female reader, ShakeWutUrMamaGaveYou United Kingdom +, writes (7 September 2014):

I think you should call the police or at least talk to someone you trust because this guy is blackmailing you. I don't think that's legal. I know this is gonna sound mean, but what you can do is get a picture of him and use the computer to put his face on a naked picture just to scare him.

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (7 September 2014):

He's doing this to hurt you maybe if he thinks you don't care he won't do it he wants to controle you and is using your fear of the photo's getting out but if you don't have that fear or if he thinks you don't he wouldnt have any power unless he calls your bluff. Or maybe try giving him his own medicine and see how he feels. You have to do what you think is best and next time if you send pics don't hace your face in them so if they ever were to get out you could deny its you. Good luck.

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A male reader, Forge United States +, writes (6 September 2014):

Forge agony auntWhoa. I thought I've made some mistakes.

You say you loved him, and he didn't love you.

You did everything he wanted, to keep him satisfied. If he didn't love you, you shouldn't have done those things. This is your issue now.

Don't know of any sites that would allow your name on the pictures.

Deal with the fact that you messed up.

Your choice.


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A male reader, Sageoldguy1465 United States +, writes (6 September 2014):

Sageoldguy1465 agony auntNice guy you chose to spend time with, there....

You need to swallow hard, and say (to yourself): "Do I want to live my life under the control of this creep? Or, do I want to get on with my life... with HIM in my rear-view mirror...?

You know, now, how stupid it was to let him have naked pics of you.... NOW, you have to live with the fallout from that naive decision.....

Dump this creep... face the consequences.... and get stronger for it....

Good luck....

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A male reader, anonymous, writes (6 September 2014):

the best and easy way could be threatening him back that you will report this to authorities.

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