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Does she only see me as a friend?

Tagged as: Big Questions, Friends, Sex<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (21 October 2010) 3 Answers - (Newest, 22 October 2010)
A male United States, *ecentguy1 writes:

Okay, I really need help. I have a female roomate who has lived with me now for the past 2 mos. I had met her earlier this summer, and recently she needed somewhere to live, and I stepped in to help her. Anyhow, her and I get along extremely well, and we have alot of fun together. The problem is she still has contact w her ex (they share dogs together) and she often goes to stay at the house and sleep with her dogs. (so she says). This morning she came home and had things she bought for me, and was very sweet and loving. she commented how much she loves hanging out w/ me, and how much fun we have together (which is true). She said she feels like we're a married couple playing house and she loves that. She also got very jealous when i said i was having dinner with an ex. We sleep together in the same bed, no sex, and i've tried. Does she see me as a friend only? she is very friendly towards me, laughs alot and is very thoughtful, but I have no idea whether she cares more than that. Does a woman fall in love as she gets to know a man? or does the "no sex" fact indicate it's friends only? help!

View related questions: her ex, jealous

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A female reader, xanthic United States +, writes (22 October 2010):

xanthic agony auntHave you even asked her out yet? Initiating sex isn't exactly the best way to find out how a girl feels about you, and being turned down doesn't automatically mean she doesn't like you, it means she has standards and doesn't sleep around with just anyone.

You'll never know what's going on with her if you don't ask.

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A male reader, knaixer Canada +, writes (22 October 2010):

knaixer agony auntLOL Cool it man. A wise man once said, "Be comfortable in the fuzzy state". We, guys, love to take one way or the other (ie either I am Gay or I am straight) Woman, however, would love this "fuzzy state", esp "does he likes me?". So my suggestion, play it really cool. Play with her like she is your sister, and telling her not to "come on" to you when she said "feels like we're a married couple playing house". Treat her well, but scold her when she is naugthy. Continue doing the things you do now, but try to pull back everytime you send "I like you" signal ... it's sorta... Romantic ^^ and I know girls love that. If you really like her, then you need to give her a lot of mixed signal. "I like you", "I like you as my little sister", "We can't be together", "but you really make me happy" etc... you know what I'm saying?

Although, I think she knows that you like her already, so you really have to pull back full throttle, cause that's what make the game fun, but BE YOURSELF. Eventually, the games will be over, and that's when one side confess. Try to win the Game Dude! She will love YOU for winning her heart. Do your Best ^^

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A female reader, janniepeg Canada +, writes (22 October 2010):

janniepeg agony auntYou've tried and nothing happened because you didn't officially ask her out, although she has been hinting a lot. Mentioning about the dogs was to test your reaction. You have to do the asking. Just ask if she's over her ex. The falling in love part comes after. There also comes a time when you can set boundaries about her staying overnight somewhere else.

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