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Does he love her more than me?

Tagged as: Breaking up, Cheating, Marriage problems<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (30 May 2009) 1 Answers - (Newest, 30 May 2009)
A female United Kingdom age 36-40, anonymous writes:

I don't know if i should stay with my husband after his affair last summer. I still cannot get over it. He says he loves me and there is noone else for him. He has been really nice to me recently. However i live in eternel pain, as i honestly believe he loved the other woman from his work.I found a text from her saying night babe i love you. I will never know if he loves me more or if he is constantly thinking of her. I think sometimes i would be happier without him so i could move on and not be reminded of the pain. I am giving him a second chance because of my daughter and because i love him. He says he will never do it againblah blah and he is always showing me he loves me, but i still dont know what he is thinking. What should i do, i feel like i will be in pain forever if i stay with him. We were like best friends before the affair and during it he was telling her everything which totally betrayed me the most. Thankyou i am severly depressed.We have only been married for 4 years and i fear that if he has done this to me early on then he will do it again later. What are the odds that he has learned his lesson and wont do it again?

View related questions: affair, best friend, depressed, I love you, move on, text

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A reader, anonymous, writes (30 May 2009):

It upsets me that women always give men a second chance when they've been unfaithful, it just means that they think of you as a door mat and it gives them the means to go and do it again. Cheating isnt right under any circumstances, and i dont know how you have the strength to take someone back after it. I think its alot more fair on you and your daughter if you leave him instead of not living your life to the fullest and finding someone that wont cheat on you. Believe me if he was capable of doing it once, whats stopping him doing it again? If you truly love someone dearly then why would you even think of anyone else?? And if she's in love with him too then this wasn't just one moment of weakness. Think of your marriage vows, he hasn't stuck to them has he? He's walked all over you and you've allowed him to do it. Have a little self respect, leave him.

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