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Does anyone really participate in group sex or is it only a fantasy on porn sites?

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Question - (22 February 2008) 2 Answers - (Newest, 22 February 2008)
A male United States age , *ildman writes:

Does anyone really participate in group sex or is it only a fantasy on porn sites? It seems like it would be fun with the right couple if you took precautions.

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A male reader, anonymous, writes (22 February 2008):

Group sex really really happens all over America and all over the world! I'm in my late 40's now, but in my late teens and mid twenties....I participated in wild group orgies all over my area and all over the country. Usually 3 times a week and every other weekend. These orgies always had 50 couples of more.

I stopped due to the AIDS scare back then, because sex was always unprotected back then.

I missed it very much. A year later I wanted back in, but still afraid...I formed a much intimate group thing called "sets", this was with people you know and on a much smaller scale...never more than 25 people, usually around this would occur once or twice a week. I stopped this after 3 years, becuase i was getting bored with the same ole' women. So I obtained a "pilot's license" and joined the 'internet' where I've met women from all over the world.

I usually till this day, will meet a female and will fly to her state to have sex with her or will find a swinger's couple or group and fly there to have unadulurated sex.

Just protect yourself sexually...wear condoms. Also, just for your information....most sex groups will require/demand that a 'man' MUST bring a female with him to the party/orgy but women are allowed to come as singles. And it is not mandatory that you have to have sex once you go to one of these parties and keep this in mind also. All parties don't have women that look like they grace magazine covers.

Though I've been to over 800 sex/group parties, I have been to a few party had only 17 men and over 50 "FAT WOMEN"

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A female reader, Devilish Angel United States +, writes (22 February 2008):

Devilish Angel agony auntI've done a group thing. We used condoms. It's alright. It's not outrageously great and I wouldn't do it again but then again my one experience was a bad one so that's probably why I'm not gonna participate again. It's better if you know the people you're gonna do and if there is some attraction too.

Make sure your partner is really sure that she wants to do this for herself and not because she wants to please you. It's different for a girl than it is for a guy.

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