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All I want is to be with this girl. I don't know what to do any more I am always so upset.

Tagged as: Breaking up, Dating<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (19 January 2009) 1 Answers - (Newest, 19 January 2009)
A male United Kingdom age 41-50, *carface83 writes:


I split up with my girlfriend of 7 months last week, this has hit me harder than i have ever felt pain in my life, I can't get this girl out of my head, she split up with me as she said she needed to sort her head out and as we sit opposite each other at work she said it was too hard. I am in so much pain I cant bear it anymore. This girl was the girl of my dreams funny smart and the most beautiful girl i have ever seen. She has moved out of my flat which we shared and now i feel so alone and all i can do is think about contacting her and trying to win her back. she has told me this will never happen and i have since found out she has been on a date with somebody else. I think I am going to breakdown and cry at any time, all I want is to be with this girl. I don't know what to do any more I am always so upset. How can I move on and get over this girl.

Please can you reply to this call for help.

View related questions: at work, move on, moved out, split up

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A female reader, shiraz United Kingdom +, writes (19 January 2009):

its always hard when you fal so deep and it comes crashing around on you, it hurts all the more when theres nothing you can say/do to stop your world from breaking.

i think it got too much, work and home life is 24/7 and sometimes it does break people and gets that bit too much. you need to realise it wasnt you as a person, you just werent right for her. dont let that break you, i know you dont see it now but shes not the only one out there.

you do have to accept shes moving on and i know thats hard for you but its happening and you cannot stp it. im sorry, you fell so deep but its all changed. its hard but it goes that way sometimes and its hard to rebuild yourself but its something you have to do in order to move on with your life, as at the moment its at a standstill and you cannot carry on like this for too long.

you need to become mentally stronger in your head, your breaking inside and its showing. all your emotions are as one and it comes out full with you unable to stop it.

you have to stop and take everything into accout, shes moved on, what you had was good but its over now i know how hard it is but hun thats how it is. shes moved on and eventually you will. you have to pick yourself up from this or it will break you. its out of your power now theres nothing more for you to do so start on yourself. build yourself up start enjoying life a little more, seeing the positives. i understand she was your life but shes taken that away and you have to accept that.

i wish you all the best for the future, take it a bit at a time and youll get there, let me know how you get on xxx

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