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13 year old girl, do I masturbate too much?!

Tagged as: Teenage<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (12 May 2013) 5 Answers - (Newest, 14 May 2013)
A female United States age 22-25, anonymous writes:

im a 13 year old girl, and i masturbate like 5 times a day. is this too much, am i normal?

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A female reader, largentsgirl89 United States +, writes (14 May 2013):

largentsgirl89 agony auntIt's self pleasuring and it feels amazing when you do it right. You're discovering your own body and there is nothing wrong with that.

Especially hormone changes amp up your libido. The only time it isn't normal is when it interferes with your daily life, when it's all you can think about and it preoccupies everything that you do. If you work your entire day around it, then I would consider seeking some help.

It sounds like you're just a healthy normal 13 year old.

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (13 May 2013):

thank you for answering, im glad im normal thanks

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (12 May 2013):

I'm a 22 year old girl...I didn't start masturbating until I was 17, but then I did it every day for a while. Sometimes I go a week without it, sometimes I can do it 3 times a day. (It sometimes depends on where I am in my cycle)

If you literally do it 5 times every day...that's a lot, but I wouldn't say anything's wrong with you. It's exciting when you first start, and you may just do it more when you're bored. If you find it impacts your life (ie, I masturbated instead of doing my homework, talking to my friends, etc.) than you should try to do it less often, and considering talking to a counsellor if you feel you may be addicted.

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A reader, anonymous, writes (12 May 2013):

When I first discover self-pleasing, I think I must have done it around the same amount. I think it is normal, unless it is prohibiting your activities.

Don't worry about it too much, it's hormonal. And, it's good that you understand what works for you sexually, for the future. Also, now you know you don't need a guy to fulfill that for you, and so you can use this to your advantage whenever it is you do decide to become sexual active. You know how to satisfy yourself, and that is worth gold.

I think, it's a good thing.

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A female reader, Dear Mandy United Kingdom +, writes (12 May 2013):

Dear Mandy agony auntHI

If indeed you are 13 and a girl then no it is not normal ( neither is it wrong) for you to be doing this so often. It is however normal to explore and experiment as you are still growing and finding out who you don't feel bad. But you may need to try and stop doing this so much now as it could spoil things for you when you grow up and eventually meet someone, as you will be too used to doing this to yourself and not feel happy with anything else.

Mandy. x

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