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*arah2485 agony aunt


United Kingdom  (Female   XML/RSS

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Silly I know, but I am still paranoid!

Q.   Ok this may seem silly, but im really paranoid. My boyfriend and I are not having sex, but i gave him a handjob and he came on his stomach, when climbed over him to get off the bed and a little bit got on my thigh. I was wearing shorts and I took a ...

A.   21 February 2010: definately not... (read in full...)

He's much older than me..will this be a problem?

Q.   I am carrying this kind of problem everyday. I am confused and i don't know what is best and right to do. I currently having a relationship with a guy who is older than me and separated from him wife. I am 23 years old and he is 50 years of age....

A.   2 February 2010: Hey well i had the same age gap as you... i am 24 my partner was 51.. i was with him nearly 4 years, yes i loved being with him and like you i didnt tell my family about the relationship all those years! well i finished it a couple of weeks bac... (read in full...)

Am I in the wrong for getting upset over my girlfriend chatting to men late into the night?

Q.   Hey everyone, I could REALLY use your independent opinions on a big issue I'm having with my GF! Help! Now, either I am nuts and the problem's all mine, or she's not treating me right! Please help me figure this out! We've been going out for...

A.   21 January 2010: well i think that her doing this so early on in yiur relationship is very odd... i would say a lot of people do this when they are getting bored of the realtionship they are in and looking for something else... if she said if you ask her again yo... (read in full...)

I feel my boyfriend is taking advantage of me...

Q.   I have been with my boyfriend for ten months now on and off, i do love him but i think he is taking advantage of me, he works and i go to school, i do not ask him for money but he does, where does his money go? well from what i know he less than ...

A.   21 January 2010: he works and you go to school... if anything you should be the one needing help with money... you need to stop bailing him out i had an ex that used me like this.. i gave him lifts everywhere paid for a lot of things we did together and he borrowed ... (read in full...)

Who is best for me???

Q.   hey. okay, i really don't know what to do, this guy has asked me out, and i said yes even though i just met him 2 days ago and he has an extremely bad reputation of cheating, being controlling and sleeping around, but supposedly he really likes me...

A.   11 January 2010: agree totally with caringguy x... (read in full...)

I want to get a guy and have my first kiss!

Q.   I feel like i will never get a first kiss. I want to find out how to get a guy. i mean i just want like a person who i will always feel safe with. im 14 and still havent hooked up with anyone which is pretty pathetic. please don't tell me im too ...

A.   10 January 2010: i eco what caring guy said.. i was nearly 18 when i had my first kiss... and had my first boyfriend (who turned out to be a looser and i wish i hadnt of wasted my time with him) and like you i felt everyone had a bf and had had thier first kiss and ... (read in full...)

I don't know if this is normal

Q.   I lost my virginity to my boyfriend on December the 30th, I didn't bleed and the pain compared to stubbing a toe. Then on NYE we had sex again, and I didn't bleed. So I assumed I wouldn't bleed at all because this time was quite rough so if I was ...

A.   10 January 2010: yeah i agree with libra, perhaps his penis didnt reach to break you but his fingers did!... (read in full...)

I like Chris but I slept with his brother who now says he loves me

Q.   OK well I started the basic training for my job (Navy) about a year ago, this lasts 3 months and we are told from the start that it is the most intense 3 months you will ever have to work. What happens is you are given a date that you will be ...

A.   10 January 2010: stay away from them both you and chris can never work now you have been intimate with his brother.. and you obviously dont want his brother.. even if you did you would feel awkward about seeing his brother because of how chris probably feels about ... (read in full...)

I know she is not good for me but I can't get her out of my head...

Q.   Hi All. Thanks for reading my question and please reply as I am pulling my hair out with this problem and it's really getting me down. I split up with my girlfriend of a year and a half around 4 months ago. It was a very up and down relationship...

A.   7 January 2010: Be strong! Please dont contact her.. you deserve better.. concentrate on doing something you enjoy keep your mind off it! x... (read in full...)

Is he testing me...?

Q.   Dear Cupid, I posted a couple of days ago about how confused I was at the fact that the guy I've been seeing just stopped texting and calling as much as he used to. I took people's advice and texted him asking how he was after a couple of day...

A.   7 January 2010: I wouldn't contact him.. you have done the first moves and have told him to contact you when he is feeling better... he will probably get scared off if you ask too many questions about where you both are going and what he wants! i know happened... (read in full...)

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