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*ionaisme agony aunt


Ireland  (Female   XML/RSS

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*ionaisme's profile:

Hey all my names fiona and im 20.

I came on here as i want to make a new years resolution that i will actually keep and i think helping on here is a good one.

Im single at the moment and its pretty much my own choice, ive been hurt before and dont want to go there again!

Im not qualified as such to help people but every other day my friends or family have problems and i like helping them. I also hate seeing people upset.

Ive many hobbies, music, going out with friends, sport and shopping. Thanks for reading!!

Anyone else turned off by the way some guys kiss?

Q.   Is there a reason why some men when they kiss a woman every seems ok but when the lips touch there comes the hard tongue and they think is sexy and that makes them great kissers. I find it a turn off and is not seductive..I actually said to this ...

A.   28 June 2008: yup i have to agree with the others on here. I have had amazing kisses (one with a complete stranger) and the one i want to forget!! Be very careful about the way you approach this. Nobody likes to be told they are a bad kissser or dont satisfy ... (read in full...)

Friends boyfriend climbed into bed with me, I told her, but she seems distant with me now...

Q.   Hi Guys, In need of some advice please. The other night i went to a friends party at her house, just a small get together with friends for drinks. anyway at the end of the night my best friend of 15 years and her mum had a full on physical fight, i...

A.   16 June 2008: You are a really good friend to this girl. I think you should just sit down and tell her what happened. Say that it is up to her whether she believes you or not but you think she would be a fool not to. Say that if you were in her position... (read in full...)

I'm fed up with waiting for someone to find me - what do I do?!??

Q.   Lately, i've completley given up on guys and everything to do with them. I haven't been in a relationship since october, and i've had a few crushes which have turned out to hurt me. I've been hurt by guys so many times, I don't know what to do ...

A.   16 June 2008: As everyone else has said your time will come. I hadnt my first boyfriend until i was 18. Lots of guys will be interested in you. Love always comes along when you least expect it but your too young to be worrying about this. I know its easy for me ... (read in full...)

Is he messing with me or just scared?

Q.   been flirting with a guy at work for a few weeks and last week we went out on a date and it was really nice. we had a laugh and had enjoyed eachothers company. we kissed and hugged and we decided that we wud take things slowly and we wudnt pull ne1 ...

A.   9 June 2008: its hard to say as you dont know him very well yet. I would just leave it to him for maybe a few days or even a week. If he still likes you he will get in contact. Even if it is just to say that he has a lot on at the moment or whatever. It shows he ... (read in full...)

Should I tell her I've been recording our conversations?

Q.   recently ive been recording me and my girls conversations without her knowing. i do this so i can play them back later and analyze what she said. should i tell her about this or would that seem sketchy?...

A.   9 June 2008: I agree with the other writer. If the relationship felt good you wouldnt feel the need to analyse every conversation ye have. My advice is stop doing it and dont mention to her that you ever recorded anything as she will get freaked out.... (read in full...)

What should I do that won't tempt me into falling for her again.

Q.   Me and my ex split a few months back, we was at war for that time since last night when we actually started talking again. I Don't want her back but I don't wanna get close to her again, last time I got close to her and got back with her which w...

A.   9 June 2008: as hard as it may sound i think for a few months you need to distance yourself from her. Then after a while if you want to get in contacct do but stress it is only as friends. I think you should just not be in contact as if you do there is a chance ... (read in full...)

I'm really nervous about my first time, please help!!

Q.   Hiya everyone. I'm 16 and I really have very strong feelings towards my boyfriend. We have been together for 4 years now and I see him near enough every day. We were planning on having sex for our first time, and this is reeally embarrasing, but...

A.   9 June 2008: the first thing you need to do is relax around each other. I know it sounds hard but if you have a relaxed attitude things will be easier. If there is awkwardness there maybe you should both have a little laugh at it instead of getting worried. I... (read in full...)

Lost my virginity but why was there was no blood?

Q.   I'm 20 yars old. I had sex for the first time with my boyfriend. first it was very dificuld and it hurt, but than it was OK and I liked it. it didn't hurt that much anymore. but . . . there was no blood! it's suppose to bleed . . . isn't it?! and ...

A.   18 May 2008: it didnt hurt for me either and i didnt bleed. I really enjoyed it. It hurted the next few times after, i dont know why but now its perfect again! Your hymen was obviously broken. First time sex doesnt always hurt.... (read in full...)

I was wondering if first time sex would hurt for a virgin in her early twenties who regularily masturbates?

Q.   Hi, I was wondering if first time sex would hurt for a virgin in her early twenties who is used to masturbating. Does that mean she won't experience any pain ? Thanks....

A.   18 May 2008: there is no way to surely know but a big part of it is definetly being relaxed and being emotionally ready. I know from friends of mine that the ones who were really ready didnt experience as much pain as the ones who werent and just wanted to get ... (read in full...)

I want him to know how much I like him, but is he a "player"?

Q.   hiya.. right i really like this boy,lets call him Ryan. Its abit confusing this whole thing. Ryan asked one of his mates for my numbrer acoiple of weeks ago and then he started texting me and added me on facecbook and stuff. So we have started to ...

A.   17 April 2008: the only way you will find out is to let him text you if he wants. You sent the last message and now its up to him. I would keep things going very slowly because you dont want to jump right in there and if he is a player you will end up hurt. Im ... (read in full...)

When do I start the next pack?

Q.   Im taking birth control pills and its the week where im supposed to get my period. i have not gotten it yet, do i start my next pack that sunday?!...

A.   21 March 2008: as far as i know you take the first pill on the first day of your period but go to your doctor or ask a friend who knows just to be sure!... (read in full...)

Will there be enough room?

Q.   mE and my boyfriend want to start having sex-our 1st time but we will only have a single size bed to start on.Will we have enough room to do it properly?...

A.   21 March 2008: Yes you should have lots of room for sex definetly, you're going to be so close to each other you dont need a lot of room anyway!... (read in full...)

I want to know if this girl still wants to see me. What do I do?

Q.   what does this girl want me to do wot does she want? We been on a date before where we ended up kissing and were very close. It was great. Few weeks after we both been busy with studies holidays and work. She asks me if I have feelings for her and ...

A.   21 March 2008: Two months is definetly a long time not to talk or be in contact with someone you say you like. Maybe the two of you do have busy lifestyles but you could ask her does she want to keep in contact every few days or even every week. At least then you ... (read in full...)

I've been told he's a user but he seems interested. Should I date him?

Q.   Ok i'll try and keep it short: Last night I went for a meal with a friend, and having just finished this guy and his friend came over said hi and later I bumped into him in another pub. I felt a attraction to him straightaway, when my friend decided ...

A.   19 January 2008: hi hun. Ive been there before with a guy i hooked up with on and off for about a year. One night he really made an effort with me, chattin and everything but one of his friends said to me twice "you can do so much better than him". Well his friend ... (read in full...)

I want to ask this girl at work out, but we've never talked, how do I approach her?

Q.   How do you go about asking someone out you like but have never really talked to before? Im a kind of shy/quiet guy and theres a girl a really like that i work with, only problem is she works on a different department and iv never had the chance to ...

A.   16 January 2008: Hey i think you should strike up a conversation with her first of all. Try and get to know little things baout her e.g ask her how is ur day going? etc etc. Then if she makes more conversation with you you'll know where to take things. Then maybe ... (read in full...)

New girlfriend cries all the time, how can I handle this?

Q.   Hi, first of all, thanks for reading this. I am a 27-year old guy currently in a 4-month old relationship with a 32-year woman whom is working in the same company(albeit different department). Ever since we got together, she started crying every...

A.   15 January 2008: Heya, i think you should try as much as you can to be there for your girlfriend. It is obvious that she is depressed and i think you ahould encourage her to seek some help. I dont mean to sound mean here but if she refuses to talk to somebody else ... (read in full...)

We had sex and he declares he likes me but does not want a relationship. How is this possible?

Q.   So this guy had sex with me and says he likes me, but he doesn't want to have a relationship with me... somethings not right here. Is this possible?...

A.   11 January 2008: Hey. I think he just thought you were nice as in attractive but not for a relationship. guys often say they like a girl but they might mean as a friend or just for a booty call. I think you should get to know a guy better before sex as you will ... (read in full...)

What is going through her mind?

Q.   Hie there. recently i broke up with my first true love because of arguements. i have looked at the reasons for the arguements and i dont think they are worth the love we i left her a letter the other day explaining how wrong i was and how ...

A.   8 January 2008: Heya. I think the girl is just a bit scared that she will get hurt again and the wall she has built up is her way of dealing with it. I think you should just be there for her but dont push things. As you nearly broke up with her before, she may have ... (read in full...)

Should I be pregnant at this age?

Q.   Me and my boyfriend has had sex without a condom loads off times in the past month to hav a baby because last year we found out i was pregnant but got an abortion because we was not ready but now i dont no if i am pregnant now because i hav just ...

A.   8 January 2008: I honestly think you are way too young to be even thinking about having a baby. How are you going to support it??? How are you going to look after it??? Are you going to give up your whole education?? You really need to think about this hun because ... (read in full...)

Why do I find it hard to get over people?

Q.   How come I find it hard to get over people? My last 2 girlfriends I'm having difficulty getting over and I still miss them (well, one!) and want her back. The counsellor said that it may be because I lost my Dad. What do you think?...

A.   8 January 2008: heya i know how you feel. it took me a year to get over a three month relationship and thats no lie. Maybe its because in absence of your Dad you want comfort and you feel that this girl was special and that she would be there for you. Maybe you ... (read in full...)

She doesn't mind me smoking during sex but insists I wear a condom. Why?

Q.   my girlfriend doesn't mind that I smoke but always insists that I wear a condom during sex-even though she's on the pill.Any blokes with a similar situation as to why?...

A.   8 January 2008: maybe because she doesnt want to get an std as the pill doesnt prevent against them. She is being responsible.... (read in full...)

We had one great night. We've lost all contact. Now I plan to go to her house to talk to her...

Q.   Hi everyone. Here goes; It's the last day of a crummy year, and I'm laying it all on the line... As some of you know, a 3 weeks back (in fact, the 14th of December), I met a girl while out drinking with friends. At the end of the night, me and he...

A.   31 December 2007: Hey i think you should go for it. The worst that can happen is that she can say no and you havent known her for very long so i think you'd probably think you'd take the chance rather than missing out on what could have been. By the way i think what ... (read in full...)

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