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We agree it's time to leave... but what's the first step?

Tagged as: Breaking up, Marriage problems<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (6 March 2005) 1 Answers - (Newest, 15 March 2005)
A , anonymous writes:

How do I take the first steps to leaving a husband that I no longer love, and who no longer loves me?

I am in quite a bit of debt, and although I enjoy the job I have, it's not very well paid. I cannot afford to rent or buy another house. My job is situated in a village, and as it's the only thing that keeps me going, I don't really want to leave, so I need to stay within the village.

We have a son, aged 21, who doesn't get on with his father, and would come with me, if I were able to go. He works, but again, his wages are not very high and he has to run a car.

My husband agrees that we do not get on any more, and that we would each be happier living without the other. We own our own house, which I adore, but I cannot afford to "buy him out", and neither can he.

He has no intention of leaving, and for a long time I have dug my heels in and vowed that I would never leave either, but the situation is becoming increasingly more miserable and I am now, reluctantly, prepared to move out.

I just don't know what to do. I know that I would find it almost impossible to manage financially on my own, and pay off my debts, but I am so unhappy in the present situation. We argue constantly, and the stress of these incessant rows is driving me nearly crazy. I don't know which way to turn. Please help me.

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A reader, Renee Riddell, writes (15 March 2005):

Find a place to go. Pack your stuff. Now leave. Don't look back until you have a valid explanation.

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