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Should I feel grief rather than relief that he passed away?

Tagged as: Friends<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (5 September 2024) 0 Answers - (Newest, )
A female United Kingdom age 36-40, anonymous writes:

Is it fate?

This is a strange question, but I was friends with someone who was very well respected. He had a lot of people around him who looked up to him, some who were friends of mine and sycophants wanting his attention which he gladly took notice of and hence I was left out and ignored. It affected me quite badly, making me ill. I felt I didn’t want to be associated with this person while all his sycophants were around him.

Recently, however he passed away and although I’m very sad about his death, I immediately felt a great sense of relief that I won’t need to associate with these people anymore, (even though they were meant to be friends). They were just out for what they could get - which will suddenly be nothing now.

Therefore, should I feel guilty that his death has lifted a weight off my shoulders? I should be grieving but all I feel is Karma has left me in a better place.

Thoughts please?

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